Chapter 2

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You could not really believe the words from Alia's mouth, it was like you became deaf as those words slipped out of her mouth, but instead of talking back, you pushed the door open and walked to the farthest seat.

"I was just kidding!"

She said, following both you and Betty who now took a seat in the almost dark potions room, the smell of the mixed potions were making you feel lightheaded, the dampness and the coldness were making your brains screws lose themselves.

Just as Alia took a seat on your left with your roommate, the door swung open but then slammed shut, making the walls vibrate from the harsh force of the man who was now walking towards the front of the room, his robes flowing behind him and the moment you saw his jet black hair, you knew you were fucked.

You never thought he would be your teacher.

Looking down, you tried your best to hide yourself using your hair, but it wasn't a help at all when both Betty and Alia's faces were present, instead, you held your head high and that's when Severus caught your eyes, his piercing gaze was like daggers to your soul. Clearing your throat, you looked away, now feeling mad about yourself for talking back.

But you could not really help it when he was such an asshole.

"Good afternoon,"

His deep and thunderous voice echoed through the now quiet room and the only source of the sound was the flickering of the fire.

"Before we start our first lesson for this year, I may remind you that I do not tolerate any foolishness inside my classroom and that goes to presumptuous brats."

His words offended you, and you knew he was talking about you, and your classmates could tell it by only looking at Severus' eyes that were still glaring at you, oh how you wish the ground could swallow you.

But you could not help the raging anger bubbling inside your chest, must he really say that?

"Now, open your books to page 45."

He commanded, his eyes were no longer fixed in your form, instead, his eyes roamed the whole room and you could not help but follow his intimidating gaze. You admit, he's hot, but that doesn't change the fact that he's an arsehole.

You just noticed how Snape was different from the other teachers, there was no introduction for the subject, nor did he introduce himself for the whole class, some may say that it's not necessary since they've spent their whole seven years here, still, you're a transferee who spent the rest of your years in Durmstrang.

Shaking your head, you opened your bag and took the heavy book out from it and gently place it on the table that you were sharing with Betty, Alia was sitting with one of your roommates on your left side.

"Now, Miss L/N. Since you are a transferee, I think it is best to ask you a question, don't you think?"

He said, your heart rapidly beat against your chest once you looked up only to see Snape walking around the room without looking at you, the look of your classmates faces only scared you.

"May I ask what is the subtle science in the art of potion-making?"

He asked, making you stopped from what you were doing.

"I didn't know being a transferee requires interrogation."

You whispered to yourself, making Betty chuckle slightly upon hearing it. Snape's eyes narrowed, a book on his hands as he walked slightly towards your direction.

"Do you mind repeating yourself, Miss L/N?"

"Or is your brain so little that you can't even come up with such an answer with pure decency?"

𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐌𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 {𝑺𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒖𝒔 𝑺𝒏𝒂𝒑𝒆}Where stories live. Discover now