Chapter 7

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You'd think Isaac was being genuine when he said that we should head home because I must be tired but that was definitely not the case and I knew that from the beginning but what I didn't know was how angry he'd get at me once we left his friend's place.

The car ride back home was silent but as soon he stopped infront of the villa and I unbuckled my seatbelt to get out of his car and away from him he just had to open his mouth.

"I see you enjoy flirting with my friends... not something my dad and your father-in-law would approve of" he said looking straight into my eyes and that was it for me, to hell with being silent around him and tolerating his nonsense!

"God you really are an insecure person who can never see the good in people, it's like everytime you open your mouth, all you do is complain or criticize others" I said with a heavy sigh and continued "I saw how close you and Suzie are, I know you were talking to her this morning and were mad at me because you thought I overheard your conversation with her but don't worry... I don't mind you being with her, I won't tell anyone about it" I said as calmly as possible, his face was red with anger as he stared at me like I'm a piece of trash he can't wait to get rid of.

"One more thing, you should treat me a little better you know... I bet your friends can tell how much you hate me but since we're supposed to put on a show infront of the world which includes them as well, it'd be better if you keep me by your side instead of your mistress" and with that I got out of the car and went inside in a hurry.

I rushed upstairs and went straight to the bedroom, I was angry but I was also scared from him, I know he didn't like one bit of whatever I said to him inside the car a few minutes ago but I also can't lock myself in this room because it's his room and I'm just sharing, I can't run away from him even if I want to and I hate it.

I thought of going downstairs but the thought of running into Ethan stopped me and I'm not bold enough to occupy any of the spare rooms this huge villa has because yes, I'd need my husband's permission for it.

After taking a few deep breaths I calmed down a little and walked towards the closet to get changed into something comfortable.

It wasn't until I was finally out of the bathroom and changed into my pyjamas when Isaac walked in, my steps halted and I stood there silently waiting for him to start screaming at me but he didn't, he looked at me with anger still visible in his blue eyes as he walked towards the nightstand.

My eyes landed on my phone that has been lying there since yesterday, I didn't ask him to give it back to me and I wasn't bold enough to take it on my own. Picking it up he switched it on as I looked at him with curiosity, what is he trying to do? He doesn't know my passcode.

After a few minutes of him doing only God knows what on my phone he showed me a photo ; a photo of me and Tyler kissing, I gasped in shock as I placed my hand on my mouth, how did he unlock my phone without me telling him the passcode?

"How did you unlock my phone?" were the first words that came out of my mouth and he just smirked which to me looked nothing but evil.

"12345 isn't exactly a smart choice for a phone's passcode" he said "But that's not the point here, the main focus here is your precious lover" he sneered.

"You're getting it all wrong" I said calmly, just when I thought the day couldn't get any worse this just had to happen.

"Yes of course, it's always me who's wrong" he mocked taking a few steps towards me "You might've been able to fool my dad but I always knew what you truly are. A woman who's after my money" he said and I shook my head.

With every step he took towards me, my heart started to beat quicker and quicker, I started sweating, after what happened this morning I couldn't trust him, what if he tries to hurt me again?

When he was finally standing right infront of me he looked down at me with what I can only decipher as disgust.

"You are a pretty woman" he said and in one sudden movement of his hands he pulled me flush against his body, my blood ran cold, what the hell is he doing?

I could feel his fingers sliding inside my shirt, a shiver ran through me and I tried to get away from him but he held me tight against him using his other hand "Are you insane? What the hell are you doing?" I asked.

"Just husband-wife things" he said, my heart was beating rapidly against my ribcage as I placed my palms on his chest and tried to create some distance between us.

"Why the hesitation huh? Isn't this what normal married couples do?" he asked, his fingers still touching my bare skin and I had to resist the urge of slapping him.

"We're not normal though, we don't love each other" I said and he chuckled before finally letting go of me "You are right... we don't love each other and we never will but I won't let you sit in my house and have an affair with some other guy. If you don't want your lover to get hurt, divorce me" he sneered at me.

"Good luck with hurting someone who's not alive anymore" I countered back "You really are insecure. You went behind my back to check my phone, then you accused me of having an affair with someone who is already dead... if you looked thoroughly you would've found photos of his funeral as well" I seethed in anger.

I wanted to curse him but I restrained myself, my head was pounding and I didn't have the energy left in me to start a fight with him.

Without giving him a chance to react I marched towards the door and left the room in a hurry, he has crossed a lot of lines today.

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