Chapter Four: Lady Bones questions Harry

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The days after the first task Harry felt like he had finally had a breakthrough. He was being perceived as stronger than older and more experienced wizards and witches. Which caused the entire school to be a little scared of him. He had killed a dragon like it was nothing and it made all the students wearing "Harry Stinks" pins think twice about opening their mouths to jeer or talk behind his back.

The fact he had also had sex with Hermione the day before had been a big bonus also. When he awoke all he could think about being balls deep in Hermione's pussy. Much to Desiree's chagrin before she decided to turn on the charm and take all of his attention by sitting on him ass first. It was Desiree's go to move after seeing how much Harry loved a good anal fuck.

It was one thing she had on all these girls Harry's own age. She didn't care if he fucked her ass from sunrise to sunset as long as his mind was on her. This was a common phase in the beginning for Desiree. But she wanted to enjoy it for as long as possible. She wanted to be the one he thought about and the one he compared all others to. Like envy and lust, pride was her other biggest sin.

Through the link Harry heard her inner thoughts while he was in the shower and she was still laying on the bed with cum leaking out of her red stretched backdoor. Harry called her through the link to join him in the shower which she quickly obeyed. Two steps in the shower and Harry had her pinned to the wall with his mouth on hers as his hand went down to her pussy. Touching her soft hairless skin he circled her clit. "You are mine Desiree, nothing will change that." Plunging two fingers inside of her he seemed out her G spot as his thumb rubbed her clit. "I will never tire of this body." His left hand went to her breast and gave it a firm squeeze which made her moan even louder.

Desiree was needy for an immortal magical being. Hearing him reassure her that he wasn't going to tire of her was a welcome change to some of her master's. Some masters quickly became bored with fucking the same woman multiple times and with their passionate lovemaking she couldn't let that happen. He hadn't even asked for her to change her body yet. Normally men always wanted the image they had in their head of their childhood crush or a dead lover. As long as Harry liked her for her she was happy. It was going to make the next hundred years bearable.

It didn't take long to get Desiree to cum and afterwards she felt looser and more free. "Thank you master." Having an attractive master had its perks. One perk was she was always wet and ready to jump on his cock for a long ride.

Harry just kissed her before saying, "Anytime Desiree. I don't want you to feel as if I am abandoning you. Trust me I know how that feels and I wouldn't do that to someone I love." While he was bound to Desiree it didn't mean he saw her as anything less than. She was his first in many areas and Harry would never forget that. "I have to get to breakfast."

Desiree nodded as Harry had to get dressed for breakfast and she transformed back into her genie form and out of her human body. In her ghostly body her skin went back to its green coloring and her sensitive bits were covered by her standard tube top and silk bottoms. Also I. Her ghost form had her arms bound by thick strong chains around the wrists indicating her imprisonment to the power of the bottle.

At breakfast Harry carried on like usual and kept to herself but that didn't stop him from sneaking glances around the great hall taking in all of the girls. In his mind he was running down on who he would turn his attention to next. While he would have liked to try a few girls in his house there was still a much bigger selection at other tables. At Hufflepuff alone they had Susan and Hannah while Slytherin had Daphne and Tracey. That also didn't include Ravenclaw who had the French delegation sitting at their table which included Fleur Delacour.

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