Chapter Seven: Harry Finds his Date for the Ball and More

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On Monday students started to pair up for the Yule Ball. There was a flurry of gossip on who was going with who. Boys were nervously asking out girls and girls were trying to act like they weren't thrilled that they didn't have to go alone. Hermione even came up to him and asked if he was going to go with her. Before he could answer and possibly break her heart she said Viktor Krum had asked her. He tripped over himself and encouraged her to say yes to Krum. Which left him open to finding his own date. They had been awkward since the first task and since he cancelled his "girls love him'' wish Hermione hadn't made another move.

During breakfast on Wednesday he saw three boys gather the courage to go and ask the beautiful and angelic Fleur Delacour to be their date. One boy from Ravenclaw even had flowers delivered via post for her. Each time she turned someone down he saw the same signs. Their shoulders would slump after being held high and they would bow their heads as if they were defeated. Harry watched what every boy did and took notes on what it would take to get a yes.

He had already reversed his wish with Desiree so now no women were drawn to him. At least more than normal and not overly so. To him the wish was training wheels like the bike Dudley used to ride. There was no need for it anymore with him. He had learned so much from the girls he had already slept with he knew what it took to get them in bed with him.

Desiree had told him a great piece of advice one day after his morning shag. "With every woman there is a series of things you can say that will make them jump into bed with you." She joked, "Mine just happen to be the words 'I wish'."

Besides the sex they were constantly having Desiree was sneaking in lessons on courting a girl. She would teach him special compliments that weren't generic and that women would respond to. She also taught him all the sensitive spots on the body that would drive any woman mad. From a simple touch on the arm to a featherlight touch on her back and ribs. Or how to grope a tit or ass that that didn't make you seem like it was your first time doing so. He soaked it all up like a sponge wanting to be the best lover he could be and be able to seal the deal with any girl he fancied. Fleur Delacour was at the top of his list right now and not just because of her beauty.

Back in the Great Hall Harry realized he couldn't ask Fleur in front of the entire school so it would be best to get her one on one. Desiree had also put the idea in his head he should get her a present. Women loved presents and it would be a grander gesture than flowers or chocolates preferably something shiny and expensive.

Give out so few gifts in his life he had no clue what would make a good gift. Also, never having a girlfriend made this a harrowing test. The only gift he had ever given a girl was books to Hermione. While Fleur might like a book he wanted something more personal and special. Once Desiree suggested jewelry he knew he had a winner but then was narrowing it down. There were rings, earrings, necklaces and bracelets.

Harry was so clueless he eventually gave up and went to the library during his free hour to do some research. Asking Madam Pince for any books on French wizards, France and jewelry. Since his mind was on his task he didn't notice the look of disdain he was getting. He had been caught in this library goofing off one too many times. Madam Pince did not like students who did not treat the library like the reverence it deserved.

Setting down her own book and coming around her desk she led Harry towards the last row of bookshelves just before the restricted section. Her heels were angrily clicking against the stone ground all the way to the back before she pulled two books off the shelves and set them on the table without a word. With her job done she walked back to her desk at the entrance to the library and her book.

Harry picked up the first book on the table. "Great French Wizards of the 1700s". Opening to a random page there was a profile on a wizard named Michel Ney who was Napoleon's second in command and secretly helped win wars and battles with his magic. Quickly scanning the page he saw nothing that would help him find a gift.

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