Chapter Sixty-Two: Epilogue

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Years passed since Harry's children started Hogwarts and life had gone on and on. By the time all of his kids had graduated Hogwarts, Harry and his wives had never been happier. They were relieved when Hogwarts was finally over for all their children. The main reason was because when all of his children hit fourth year they got in more and more trouble. Since he also had an over abundance of children it was nearly every other day he was getting letters about one of his many children.

All but Megara, who was the perfect one or that's at least what the other children called her. In all of her Hogwarts career she had never once had a problem where she ended up in trouble. At least besides being caught in a few broom closets that went overlooked because she was a good student otherwise. She had excellent grades and was well liked, despite her icy persona. Teachers gushed about her while making everyone eat out of the palm of her hand.

When seventh year rolled around Megara wasn't even interested in dating. The only thing she cared about was joining the family business. While the sex toys part of the business was kept from her Harry and Narcissa let her into the books. They taught her about all the pies Potter and Malfoy had their fingers in. Narcissa never touched the Malfoy finances, instead letting the goblins manage it until she was ready to hand it over to Megara. Megara needed to learn to do it for herself. While some might call Narcissa crazy for throwing her daughter in the deep end, Megara was able to figure it out and swim on her own.

They thought fifty something businesses would be too much for her to handle. They half expected her to come running to them for help but she never did. Within five years Megara managed to make little changes to increase most companies' production and profits. Those changes averaged close to twenty percent higher profits than the three years before. She attended owner meetings talking with everyone to make her opinions and strongly worded suggestions known. Because of her name she had instant respect which went a long way in her goals. Even men took her seriously partly because they didn't want to upset her father. There was a level of fear people had for her that she took advantage of. But once they realized she was a serious business woman and not just a spoiled rich kid they fell in line.

Other companies noticed her success and word had spread like Fiendfyre. Everyone soon came to her and offered her a stake in their company if she could help them increase efficiency and profits. It helped that she also owned resources and all the supplies these businesses needed to make their products. Megara owned farms for potion ingredients, brewery's needed to stock bars along with part ownership of the press. She used all those things to help her businesses while crushing her competition.

Megara was a hard worker despite her mother's housewife lifestyle. While some might call her mothers lifestyle lazy, Megara had seen her mother hard at work planning parties while keeping a house together. Family was similar to a business so that was Megara's first lesson growing up. It wasn't a knock on her mother, her mother was her hero. Megara was also thankful to her mother for leading her to Slytherin which led to making powerful connections on top of the Potter allies.

Megara was the premier business woman. She was also looked at as a major inspiration for women and young girls in general. Before her there weren't many women in her line of work. Women also weren't taken as seriously as she was when it came to their opinions when it came to business. Safe to say she worked hard to climb to her position at the top of the mountain. Megara had also taken notes from Amelia Bones who had the record for longest tenure as the Minister of the wizarding world. Megara never failed to notice lessons she could take to be a better leader and learn to apply that to an aspect of her business.

Narcissa and Harry were very proud because by the time Megara was twenty five she had made her own fortune with the rest being kicked back into the family vault. Megara wasn't a selfish person, she dominated the business world for the pride and prestige that came with it. Most of the obscene profits went into the family vault to be shared with her siblings and future nieces, nephews with maybe even a child of her own someday.

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