Chapter 8

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I locked myself inside the huge library which is barely used by anyone and started crying not being able to hold it in anymore, I pulled at my own hair screaming in frustration.

Taking a seat on one of the chairs, burying my face in my hands I tried to forget, forget about my past that somehow always reappears to torture me.

Tyler meant the world to me, he was the person who loved me despite my many flaws, he was the only one who truly understood me and if it weren't for fate that separated us both I'd still be in his arms today and he'd be telling me how much he loves me.

Flashbacks of the days I've spent with Tyler played inside my head and I hugged myself tight in an attempt to calm my aching heart but it was of no use, the more I thought of him the more my heart ached.

After sitting in that position for a very long time when I finally felt like my eyes couldn't shed anymore tears I stood up, wiped my face and walked out of the library that seems to have become my refuge now.

I plucked up the courage and decided to head downstairs, if I run into Ethan I'll just tell him what I told him earlier this morning when he caught me crying, and since I couldn't tell him how big of a jerk his brother truly is, I had to lie but it wasn't entirely a lie, I do miss my dad and I know for a fact that if he was alive today and saw Isaac for what he really is he'd never let me marry him, heck if I knew he'd be this way with me I wouldn't have said yes to marrying him.

Halfway through the stairs and I saw Christine rushing towards me "What is it?" I asked as I reached the end of the staircase.

She looked at me and then sighed before opening her mouth "Here" she said extending her right hand forward and I noticed my phone was in her palm "Master said to give this to you" she continued looking at me like I'm some ghost while I took my phone from her.

I arched my eyebrow at her asking "Everything alright?" she shook her head before opening her mouth "I... I um... would you like to have dinner?

"It's okay, you can tell me how horrible I look" I said letting out a long breath, I know I looked the opposite of pretty right now "And no, I'm not hungry actually, it'd be good if you could get me a glass of juice though" I said.

"Okay, orange would be fine right?" she asked and I nodded "You can go upstairs and rest, I'll bring the juice to you" she suggested and I tensed.

She might've noticed my hesitation because what she said next surprised me "Master Isaac isn't home, he has gone out with master Ethan" she walked away in a hurry not giving me a chance to respond.

Isaac isn't home, neither is Ethan, that means I'm alone and I can be myself for sometime now, I went back upstairs and into the room I'm sharing with my husband, it was dark so I switched on the lights and a yawn escaped my mouth, today was quite exhausting.

I decided to wait for the juice that Christine was supposed to bring me before going to bed, it's been fifteen minutes but she still hasn't brought my juice, sitting on the edge of the bed I looked at the couch and then back at the bed, the bed looks so comfortable and inviting compared to the couch I was supposed to sleep on.

I decided to just lay down for a while on the bed thinking that even if I fall asleep Christine would definitely wake me up when she finally decides to bring me my juice. Isaac seeing me sleep on his bed when he comes back is something I wouldn't want to happen.


The harsh rays of the sun hit my face and I groaned, I keep telling Tyler that we should buy thicker blinds but he just wouldn't listen, I slowly opened my eyes and blinked a few times so that my eyes could get adjusted to the light but I shrieked when I saw Isaac.

Realisation hit me and I came back to reality, for a moment I thought I was back with Tyler in our apartment, a lump formed in my throat.

"I prefer my mornings to be silent" he said in his authoritative tone "And I prefer to not have people watch me while I sleep" I snapped back at him and regretted immediately, I was still a little drowsy so I didn't exactly think before opening my mouth.

He gave me a weird look as if telling me how mad I am and then I realised something and got up almost immediately, shit he must be angry I slept on the bed "Shit I'm so sorry you had to sleep on that uncomfortable couch because of me, I had no idea I'd fall into a deep sleep, Christine was supposed to wake me up when she brought my juice but I guess she forgot about it, I'll go and have a talk with her" I blabbered and turned towards the door but before I could walk away from him he grabbed my wrist and I froze.

"Christine did bring your juice" he said motioning with his eyes towards the night stand and I saw a tall glass of orange juice sitting there, why didn't she wake me up then?

"And I didn't sleep on the couch, the bed is big enough for the both of us" he said plainly and let go of my wrist while I just stared at him in shock, did we really share the same bed? My face started to heat up for no apparent reason.

He was already dressed and ready to start his day while I stood there in my pyjamas looking at him in disbelief as he walked out of the room.

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