Chapter 2- That Night (continued)

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"Hey." I said nonchalantly with a smile.

    "Hi," he returned with a smile. "I was just standing over there, wondering why a beautiful lady, like yourself, is standing all alone at the bar? So, I figured I'd come over and see for myself." He said, raising an eyebrow.

    "Really? That's the best you've got?" I giggled at his lame attempt at a pick up line.

    "Well, as cliché as it is, it's the truth." He laughed. "I'm just so distracted by your beauty that it's making it hard to be witty." He said with a blush and a cheeky smile.

    "Ohhh is that right?" I teased, rolling my eyes in jest.

    "Mhm." He nodded, smirking. "I'm Josh, by the way." He introduced himself, extending his hand. I took it in mine.
"Nice, to meet you, Josh. What brings you here tonight?" I let my hand fall from the handshake, but the feeling of his touch on my skin remained.

    "Well, my brothers and I are in town on a uh... on a business trip." He said decidedly. "They were being awfully lame, and most of them didn't want to come out tonight, but I was looking for a good time so here I am." He said winking ever so slightly; if I hadn't been so mesmerized by his eyes I would have missed it, though.

    "Brothers?" I inquired taking a sip of my almost empty drink. "Is it like a family business or something?"

    "I guess you could say that... it's a rather unconventional line of work, but I enjoy getting to do it with them." His ambiguity was intriguing, but I wasn't sure if he wanted me to push for more answers or not. Before I could pose anymore questions, Josh reached for the empty drink that resided in my grasp.

    "You want another one of these?" He offered.

    "Yeah, I'd like that, thanks. It was a vodka sour." I replied.

    He nodded and turned toward the bartender to order me another one and a drink for himself. I took the lack of attention being on me as an opportunity to pull my hair up. I wasn't sure if it was from the humidity of the club, or how nervous I had become, but the long, blonde, strands of hair that were once curled, were beginning to lose their shape as they clung to the slight perspiration that was building on the back of my neck. I had just finished tying back my hair, when Josh turned his attention back to me with our drinks.

    "Here you are, darling." He said, passing me the fresh glass.

    "Why, thank you, kind sir." I replied with a smirk.

    "Hey, that's a pretty cool tattoo you got there." Josh said, pointing behind my ear. "What is it?"

    "Oh, thanks." I said, my hand instinctively reaching up to brush over the tattoo. "It's a combination of my big three zodiac signs." I said feeling a blush come on. Most guys would roll their eyes at the fact that I was into astrology, but Josh seemed surprisingly interested.

    "Very cool, I see scorpio, sagittarius, and gemini, right?" He asked, moving a piece of stray hair to the side so he could get a better look.

    "Yeah, in that order." I laughed. "Do you know your sign?"

    "Do I? Of course I do, I'd consider myself to be a rather spiritual person, and I consider astrology to be rather interesting." He said matter of factly. "It always fascinates me how you can make small changes in your life according to you chart to be more spiritually aligned."

    I nodded in agreement and then followed up my previous question and asked, "So... what is it, then, your sign?"

    "Guess." He said plainly, folding his arms.

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