Chapter 23- Right the Wrongs

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*Josh's POV*

I drove from the record label to Celine's apartment complex, buzzing with anticipation the entire time. It hurt me to be without her and to know that she too was hurting. I was desperate to get to her as soon as I could.

Even though there was a lot of trust lost as a result of her omission of our prior acquaintance, my feelings for her still remained. It felt as though there was a piece of me missing when she was not around, and I was willing to work on our relationship together, if not for our sake, then for our daughter's.

I was infuriated that she lost her job and I prayed that the reason wasn't because of me. I was willing to do anything and everything in my power to make things right, for the sake of my girls.

Once I arrived, my adrenaline was rushing at an all time high as I raised my hand to knock her door. I knocked, making my presence known and felt my nerves increase as I heard footsteps coming my way.

As soon as the door swung open I began, anxious to pour my heart out to her and make things right, "Cel— Oh," My face fell as I realized the figure on the other side of the door was not Celine.

"Hi Josh." Mikey said cooly, holding Lina in his arms.

"Is Celine here?" I asked, taken aback by his presence.

I hoped that he couldn't tell how shaken up I was at the fact he was in my girlfriend's home,  holding my baby.

"Yeah, she's in the shower. Would you like to come in?" He offered as if he owned the place, and it made me sick.

He seemed so comfortable, answering the door for her and carting around my child, that it seemed as if something had occurred between the two of them in my absence. Feelings of deep heartbrokenness and anger started to brew within me.

It was then that his words from the engagement party echoed in my head, 'you always seem to insert yourself into spaces where you're not welcome, and this time I'm going to protect what's mine' ; he had been waiting for the perfect opportunity to swoop in and reassert himself into Celine's life, and the worst part was that she let him.

"Uh, you know what? I'm good, uh, thanks." I said, declining his offer, feeling like an intruder at my own girlfriend's apartment.

"Okay. I can tell her you stopped by." He volunteered with a smile.

I couldn't read if his expression was genuine, or if he was taking pleasure in the fact that my relationship with Celine was in shambles, and it was all because of me.

"No, um, that's okay... Don't bother." I said decidedly.

I had nothing to say to her— nothing I wouldn't end up regretting, at least.

"Dada," Lina said in Mikey's arms, reaching a hand up and catching Mikey on the jaw.

My face fell, as I watched my baby girl experience a milestone that most parents dream of, as an outsider.

I had been replaced in every sense, and there was nothing I could do about it.

"I'm gonna go," I nodded, turning to leave.

I heard the door close behind me as I continued on down the hallway, needing to escape as quick as I possible could. I hadn't cried in a very long time, and given the events of today, the streak had been broken as I felt the first tear trickle down my face.

Maybe it would be best if I just continued on with my life, acting as if what had happened between me and Celine had never even existed. I was going on tour in a few months anyway, so what was the harm? I'd send a check once a month, they'd get over it— or rather, I'd get over it— because clearly they already had.

After the Rain- Josh KiszkaWhere stories live. Discover now