Chapter 10- Fate

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The days went on and I put the night of the concert behind me. I knew it would only make matters worse if I had dwelled on everything that had gone wrong, so I chose the alternative— pretending as if none of it had happened at all. I poured myself into my work. However, the coming weeks posed to be a challenge for me. 

The label was assigning me with a new project that would require my full and undivided attention, so that meant that it was up to me to complete all of my current marketing efforts prior to the introduction of my new assignment. Since I was to be more occupied by my work, I figured that it would be best if I enrolled Lina in daycare so that I could return to working in the office. 

The day of the meeting for my assignment was upon us, but the new enrollment period for Lina's daycare wouldn't begin for another week, which left me in a bind. I didn't have any childcare for her, so was left with no choice than to cart her with me to the office.  

The elevator doors opened, leaving me face to face with Alisa, the receptionist of my office.

"Celine! It is so great to see you. I am so glad you're coming back to the office." She squealed with excitement, getting up from her desk to greet me with a hug.

"I know, it's so good to see you, and to be back." I smiled, returning her embrace. 

Alisa and I had become really close during my time spent working in the office prior to taking my maternity leave, and seeing her eased some of my nerves about returning to the office. She released me from the hug and gasped, noticing the baby bucket in hand for the first time.

"SHUT UP! Celine, this is Evangeline? She's perfect." She remarked, her eyes welling with tears. 

"Yep, my little Lina." I said smiling down at them sweetly as Alisa crouched to meet Lina's gaze.

"Wow, she's a whole mini human. You did that, momma!"

I let out a laugh. "I guess I did. But, Alisa, I have a huge favor to ask." I cut to the chase.

"I'll do anything for you. I'm just happy to have my work-bestie back." she smiled sweetly, returning to standing position from her crouch.

"Would you mind watching Lina— just until my meeting is over? I swear, it won't be a minute longer."

"Not at all. In fact, I'd LOVE to." She replied, and took the baby bucket from my hand and the diaper bag off my shoulder without missing a beat.

"Thank you so much. You're seriously a lifesaver. I couldn't get anyone to watch her today and I've just been so stressed about getting back to work and making sure she's okay, and—"

"Celine, it's okay, you don't have to explain yourself to me. I've got you covered, always." She assured me.

"Thanks again. I just have to run to the bathroom really quick before the meeting. If she gets fussy theres a pacifier in the bag, but if she doesn't seem to want that, there's a bottle in there too that she'll take. But, I'm sure she'll be fine, she's usually pretty mellow." I called out as I made my way to the bathroom.

Once I was through, I made my way back to the reception desk but was stopped in my tracks by the conversation unfolding before me.

"Now, who do we have here?" an all too familiar voice asked.

Oh my god.

"This is Evangeline." Alisa announced proudly, showcasing her to the man who stood before her.

"Well, Evangeline you are the most precious thing I've seen today. I love babies," Josh said, his face animated in an attempt to amuse the baby— his baby. "Is she yours?"

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