Chapter 24- Redemption

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*Celine's POV*

I finished my shower and got dressed, finally having calmed down a bit. I hoped that this day had been the worst of it all, because I genuinely did not think I could take much more. It's crazy to think about how things can change in the blink of an eye; everything had ended up far worse than I could have ever imagined.

"Hey, thanks. I appreciate your help." I said as I walked into the living room, toweling off my hair.

"No worries, it's the least I could do." Mikey nodded.

"You want to stay for dinner tonight?" I asked as I made my way into the kitchen, opening the fridge to decide on what I would be eating.

"No, um, I should get going." He said, getting up from his seat on the couch.

"Okay, see you later, thanks again." I called over my shoulder as I heard him open the front door.

"Celine, before I go, there's something you should know." He said, stopped in the doorway.

"What is it?" I asked as he reentered my apartment, leaving the door open behind him.

"Josh stopped by while you were in the shower." He stated.

My mind went blank before I could even think of how to react.

"What?!" I gasped when the information finally processed. "What did he say? Did he say where he was going? Why didn't you tell me right away?" I asked frantically.

"He asked me not to, but you gotta go after him. If you leave now you might be able to catch him. I'll stay with Lina." He ordered.

Without even thinking, I ran as fast as I could, barefoot, past Mikey, out of my apartment and down the stairs, hoping to catch Josh in the parking lot before it was too late.

The sky was dark and it was raining hard outside. I surveyed the area and spotted Josh's car across the parking lot, about to pull out of the spot he was in.

"Josh! Josh!" I shouted, my voice being drowned out by the downpour that took place around, flailing my arms to get his attention.

As he began to pull out of the spot I ran as fast as I could, breathless, to catch up with him. I reached his car before he had a chance to move and made my way to the front of the car, tapping on the hood in an attempt to stop him from reversing.

Once he was stopped I ran around to the driver's side and flung the door open. I didn't care if he thought I was crazy, or if I looked like a maniac, this was what seemed like the only chance I had left, and I literally had nothing left to lose.

"Celine? What're you doing?" He asked, startled by my frantic disposition.

"Mikey told me you stopped by, and I- I wanted to catch you before you left." I said, trying to catch my breath.


"Why? Because I've been waiting by the phone for days hoping that maybe you'd call, just once, or even send a text." I said, trying to rationalize my thought process.

"You wanted to hear from me?" He asked in disbelief.

"Yes! Are you kidding? There was so much left unsaid between us, but I wanted to give you space."

"What about Mikey?" Josh asked raising an eyebrow.

"What about him?" I rolled my eyes.

"Well, he seemed awfully comfortable at your place while you were in the shower." He stated matter of factly. 

"God! Josh, nothing, and I mean nothing, is going on between Mikey and I. I needed a second to myself, today has been so hectic and he knew I had a bad day so he was babysitting." I was desperate to explain myself, and I prayed he believed me.

After everything that had happened between Josh and I, the last thing I needed was something as trivial as Mikey coming between us again.

"She called him 'dada'." He said, the look of genuine hurt splayed on his face.

"What?! She's never said that around me." I gasped, shocked that I had missed such an important milestone.

"Yep." He remarked.

"Well, she needs her real dada, and so do I, more than anything." I looked at him earnestly, wanting nothing more than to be able to fully express how much he meant to me.

He unbuckled his seatbelt and turned his body toward me, taking my face in his hands and pressing his lips to mine. I felt myself melt into his touch and all of my worries dissolved at once. I knew that there was still a lot left to figure out, but the kiss reassured me that whatever stood in our way would be no match for how we felt for one another.

The kiss was filled with passion and longing. It was as if the two of us were made for one another, and the feelings and pleasure brought on by this kiss were retribution for all of the pain and suffering that had been inflicted on us as the world tried to keep us apart. I had never been more sure of something in my life— Josh and I were destined to be together.

After a while Josh broke the kiss, searching my face with worried eyes.

"What about tour? It just won't work, and then we keep hurting each other." He asked, choosing to believe that the feelings we shared were just too good to be true.

"Josh, it doesn't matter how far away we are, the only thing that matters to me is that you and I are together. Tour is only temporary, and we've lost our way from each other before, but we keep making our way back. Who are we to tempt fate, right?" I reminded him, more certain than he had been the day he had first asked me on a date.

He grinned from ear to ear at my words, needing only my confirmation to fully convince him. The stupid smile that had captivated me from the first time we had met many moons ago was still working its charm. I pulled him back in for another kiss, drowning out the pouring rain surrounding us. 

I didn't want the moment to end.

He pulled away from the kiss again, surveying me this time with eyes filled with hope and wonder.

"Celine, you're drenched," He laughed, finally taking note of my appearance. "We need to get you inside." He parked his car and got out, slinging an arm around my shoulder as we made our way back to my building.

As I walked by his side, under his touch, it was as if something had settled inside of me. The frenzy within had died down and the internal storm had finally passed; there was sunshine on the horizon. It wasn't going to be easy for us, but that's the beautiful thing about life, it's ever so complicated. Even with all the ups and downs that it brings, whatever is meant for you will never truly pass, and you'll be able to get through the darkest of times. 

I felt a surge of hope and courage for the future, a feeling similar to the one I had experienced the moment I held my baby girl for the first time— our baby girl. I was elated now that Josh would be able to share in the joy that Lina brought to this life. I knew in this moment that he was finally mine, and that was never going to change. He would be there for me— for us— even after the rain.

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