Chapter 12- Dinner Date Destiny

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Tonight was Date Night

It was do or die. Josh and I had worked out a time to meet for dinner, and the hour was rapidly approaching. I wanted to go into the night seeming calm, cool, and collected, when in reality I felt the opposite of such. Physically, I was prepared— I was showered, dressed and ready to go, but mentally and emotionally I was extremely uneasy, not knowing how everything would play out.

Everything is going to be fine. I tried to remind myself, but no amount of self-soothing seemed to suffice at calming my nerves.

I gathered all of Lina's essentials together and packed them up. She was going to spend the night with Teagan and Chris, to allow me some flexibility on my date. Once I had everything in order, I made my way over to Chris's apartment.

Unfortunately, it was Mikey who answered the door. 

"Celine, you look very nice." He said, scanning me up and down.


"Thank you, Mikey. Is Teagan here yet?" I asked, peeking behind him to see into the apartment, not wanting to entertain him any longer.

"Not yet, but I think she's on her way. You can come in and wait inside." He said, stepping aside to allow me to enter.

"Thanks." He took the portable crib from my hands and propped it against the wall as I went to sit on the couch in the living room with Lina. Tom sat at the end of the couch on his computer with his earbuds in and nodded at my presence.

"So, what're you up to tonight?" Mikey said, less so in an attempt to make conversation and more so in an attempt to pry.

"Oh, well, wouldn't you like to know." I remarked.

"I would." He pressed.

"I'm going on a date." I shrugged.

"A date?" He asked, thinking that I was messing with him.

"Yes." I stated simply.

"Oh," His face fell when he realized that I was serious. "I hope you have a nice time." He offered though I read through his attempt at seeming sincere.

"Thank you." I said to be polite and not because I thought he was being genuine.

"Who's the lucky guy?" Tom piped in from the couch beside me, closing his laptop and joining the conversation.

"Oh, just an old friend." I said, not wanting to have to explain myself to them, especially given Mikey's outburst related to Josh and his interest in me.

Luckily, I was saved by the bell, and all of the attention was averted from me and my plans for the evening as Teagan rang in from the lobby.

"I forgot my keys!" She groaned over the intercom as Tom buzzed her in.

When Teagan arrived, I gave her instructions on all things Lina related, and she bid me goodbye— not wanting to give me a pep talk with nosy ears within range. As I waited for my Uber outside of my building, she texted me her well wishes to instill confidence in me for the night.

The Uber pulled up to the restaurant and from the outside it was very unsuspecting, with a small sign above the entrance and a rather drab, yet neat exterior. I entered through the door and was surprised at how nice and elegant the inside was. I assumed that it was a kind of hole in the wall place that would allow us some privacy from the public eye. I went up to the hostess stand, where I was told that Josh had already arrived, and the hostess led me to the table where he sat.

He stood from his chair, greeting me with a hug and a big smile.

The embrace was warm and inviting, leaving me wanting more. He had smelled the same as when I had first met him, almost two years ago, and all of the feelings I had once felt, came flooding back.

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