Chapter 6- Playing Matchmaker (Part 2)

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Before I knew it, it was Friday, the night of the concert. Millie arrived at my apartment at 6:30 to watch Lina while I got ready. I stood in front of the mirror for a while, not really knowing where to start. I was freshly showered, and stood deliberating whether I should do my make up or my hair first, or whether I should get dressed.

God, it has been so long since I have been on a date. I thought to myself. Wait— this isn't a date, I am just going out with my friends, right. I shook my head at the thought and decided to get dressed first. I left my post at the bathroom mirror and went into my bedroom, opening the door to my wardrobe. I skimmed the garments that hung from the hangers, not pleased by any of them. I landed on an outfit I had worn to go out in college, and decided that it would suffice considering I didn't have anything else to wear.

I went back into the bathroom and blowdried my hair and curled it slightly. I then went on to tackle my makeup. When I was finished I took a step back to look at myself fully in the mirror.

Was it too much?  

No, I look fine. 

Eh, maybe less eye shadow.

I stood there deliberating, and then decided I should ask for Millie's opinion. I walked out of the bathroom and into the hallway where I met her coming out of Lina's room, assuming she had just gotten her to sleep.

"Wow, Celine. You look great!" She squealed, wrapping me into a hug. 

God, she could be so much like Teagan sometimes— it was something that I appreciated her for.

"You really think so?" I asked, tugging at the hem of my shirt. "It's not too much?"

"Are you kidding me? You look hot. I wouldn't change a thing." She reassured me.

"Thanks." I sighed a breath of relief, feeling slightly more at ease. 

Millie made her way to the living room and positioned herself on the couch facing the TV which was already on. I sat beside her, busying myself on my phone to pass the time before Teagan, Chris, and Mikey arrived to pick me up. It was not long after that we heard a knock at the door. 

"That must be them," I said getting up from the couch and walking over to the door. "I swear, I won't be back too late." I promised Millie.

"Oh, hush! You go out and have fun, don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Lina is in good hands." She reassured me again. 

Right. I need to relax and stop being so worried. I reminded myself.

"Thanks again, Millie. I'll see you later." I bid her goodbye, thanking her one last time.

I swung open the door revealing the trio that I would be spending my night with. The three of them all wore shocked expressions, which seemed to be from my appearance.

"Wow, Cel. You look hot!" Teagan said with a suggestive whistle as I exited my apartment.

"Oh stop." I blushed, waving off the compliment.

"No, Celine she's not kidding. You look beautiful." Mikey contributed, matching my stride as we made our way out of the building.

Teagan elbowed Chris, who added, "Yeah, you look good, Celine." 

I laughed at the final, forced compliment. "Thanks guys, I'm excited to get out of the house for once." I said, feeling a rare sense of relief, as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders.

"You definitely won't regret it!" Mikey reassured me. "I saw the band a couple years back when they toured around here during school, and it was one of the best shows I've ever been too." He beamed. 

His excitement about it was contagious and it made me look forward to seeing their set. 

What did he say the name of the band was again?


Once we got the the venue, I realized what Teagan had meant when she said that it was going to be an intimate performance. There were about fifty high-top tables set up for each of the guests to stand around. Mikey lead us to ours which was impressively close to the stage.

"Wow, Mikey this table is insane, we're like so close to all the action." Chris remarked.

"Yeah, how did you even get these tickets?" I asked, equally as impressed.

"Well, Danny, the drummer of the main act, and I used to play club golf on the same team back home in Michigan. We haven't really seen each other much in recent years, but we keep in touch from time to time. Plus, I have a cousin who lived in the same town as him growing up." He explained. "Every time the band is in town we try to catch up, or he hooks me up with some tickets to his shows, which is pretty great. He's really talented." 

"You must be so proud, Teagan says his band is really good." I offered, not being able to contribute an opinion of my own, considering that I hadn't listened to their music yet.

"Yeah, I think you'll love them." He smiled, moving the slightest bit closer to me, allowing our arms to brush against each other. The action gave me a surprising bout of butterflies.

The opener had come on to perform and the drinks had started flowing. I subtly danced while keeping up conversation with Mikey as we listened to the music. At one point, I had forgotten that Teagan and Chris were even there. I was surprised at how good of a time I was having with Mikey. I thought that he looked really good, and he was definitely laying on the charm. 

Was I flirting with him? 

Maybe it was just the drinks...

Before we knew it the opener had played their final song and the main act was about to go on stage. 

"Give it up for Greta Van Fleet!" The MC announced.

"Here they come!" I beamed, turning to Mikey to express my excitement. He smiled at me as we both turned to face the stage.

"Look, there's Danny." He said pointing to a tall guy with dark, curly hair making his way onto the stage, toward the drum kit. "And, there's Sam, he's the bassist." He moved his hand to point out a lankier guy, with no shoes on, who made his way to the left of the stage, taking a bass into his hands. "That's Jake." He said, shifting to face the right of the stage where a man who looked rather similar to Sam slung a guitar strap over his shoulder. 

Wait, I've seen him before. I thought to myself, but I couldn't quite place where I had known him from. I shook off the thought, regaining focus on Mikey's words.

"Oh, and here comes the singer. His vocals are insane." I was half listening, still trying to place where I had seen Jake. "He makes for a great frontman, his charisma is unmatched." Mikey gushed.

"Wait, what's his name again?" I asked, returning my full and undivided attention to the stage to follow Mikey's introductions. It was then that the supposed front man bounded onto the stage. The spotlight hit him as I was finally able to get a glimpse of his features.

"His name is—" Mikey began.

"Josh." I breathed out, cutting Mikey off.

"Yes, that's right!" He exclaimed, "Someone did their research." Mikey laughed nudging my arm.

It felt as if the world was closing in around me. Mikey's words were now falling on deaf ears, given that I was currently not paying attention to a single thing he had to say. I was in complete and utter shock. After all this time I was finally seeing Josh, my Josh, in the most unconventional way imagined, and I couldn't do anything about it. 

All that I could to do was stand there and watch.

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