Chapter 13- Love Birds

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When I was with Josh, it was as if time stopped. Every moment with him was like pure bliss, yet with each passing day I was worried I was in too deep. We continued to see each other a few times a week for the next two months following our first date, and as our feelings grew, it was almost as if we couldn't get enough of each other.

During these months, I found that my initial worry of seeing a coworker melted away as our bond actually enabled our creativity to flow when it came to brainstorming ideas for the album release. Our collaboration proved that we were a great team, inside and outside of the office, which made our bond grow stronger. Despite the circumstances, we always seemed to be in sync, adapting to the changes of one another.

I was definitely falling for him. He was perfect as far as I was concerned. He was so thoughtful. I loved hearing his opinions or ideas about everything, because he was really careful and deliberate about whatever it was he had to say. I loved his voice, his laugh, his smile. Every time I got to be in his presence, any of the three would make me melt. He got along great with Chris and Teagan, as we went on a few double dates together. He was so kind to anyone and everyone we encountered. He was so gracious to his fans. And, most importantly of all, he was incredibly wonderful with Lina. He was so gentle with her and he lit up any time she was mentioned. She absolutely adored him too, which made my heart pang with guilt that I had yet to tell him the truth.

I hoped that whatever feelings he had for me would be enough to preserve what we had built when I finally broke the news to him. This had gone on for too long, and I felt like I was finally ready to come clean.

I had mentally and emotionally prepared myself to deliver the news to Josh, and I had decided that tonight was the night.

We had made plans to hang out at his place tonight, so I spent the day running over what I would say to him in my head.

'I know this might sound crazy, but you're Lina's father,'

No, too nonchalant.

'Josh, this may be difficult for you to hear but—

My thoughts were interrupted by an unexpected knock at the door.

Was it Josh? I was definitely not ready to face him just yet, I thought I still had a few hours to spare before I went to see him.

I made my way over to the door and checked the peephole which revealed a rather nervous-looking Chris, who was fidgeting on the other side. I opened the door and his face lit up.

"Celine, I'm going to ask Teagan to marry me." He blurted before I could get a word in, eager to see my reaction.

"Chris! Oh my god!" I shrieked, wrapping him into a hug.

"I know, I know. I've known for a really long time that I want to spend the rest of my life with her and I think it's finally time that I let her know. I just got back from asking for her parents' blessing." He shook his head in happy disbelief as he walked through the door.

"I take it they said yes?" I asked, and he nodded with a shy smile. "God, I'm so happy. I love you both so much." I cried with joy, wiping the newly formed tears from my eyes.

"We love you too, Celine. I was wondering if you'd be willing to help me with the engagement."

"Absolutely." I replied without hesitation. "Do you have a ring?"

This was absolutely amazing.

I was elated, there was nothing more I wanted than to see my two best friends tie the knot.

He nodded and pulled out his phone to show me the picture. It was stunning. The ring was a bit unconventional, but it was exactly Teagan's style. I was so excited to see her reaction when this was all said and done. She was going to be over the moon.

"So, I was planning on taking her on a day trip to the coast because that's her favorite spot, and then getting everyone together for a celebration afterwards. I want it to be a surprise for most of the guests who will be attending, that way they don't all know that we're getting engaged before she does. I feel like that is something that would be important to her." He explained as I smiled knowingly.

My heart was warmed at the fact that there was no person better suited for Teagan than Chris— he just knew her so well.

"I was also kind of hoping that you could do me a huge favor." He added.

"Okay," I nodded, awaiting to see what his request would be.

"I was hoping that you could ask Josh if he and the guys could perform one song at the engagement party. I can pay them, of course, I just am really hoping to make it special for Teagan, and she loves their music." He proposed, sporting an apprehensive smile.

"I'll see what I can do." I said, not wanting to disappoint him whilst also remaining noncommittal.

"Thank you, Celine. You're the best." He said, releasing the breath he had been holding, on account of anticipation for my response.

Shit. This meant I was have to put off telling Josh about Lina even longer to make sure that I had my best shot at pulling through on this favor for Chris.

"Anything for you and Teagan." I managed to keep my smile steady, for Chris's sake.

We chatted a bit longer about the logistics and finalized the guest list for the after party. We planned to meet a couple more times over the course of the next week and a half to finish ironing out all the details, but at times where Teagan would be preoccupied so she didn't get suspicious.

After Chris left, the feelings of happiness and excitement I had felt quickly subsided as a knot I had become all too familiar with grew in my stomach once again.

What was I to do about Josh?

I knew that there was no way I would be able to face him tonight, knowing in the back of my mind that I had planned to tell him about Lina tonight, and now I needed to prolong the omission for the sake of Chris and Teagan's engagement party. I decided to call him up and cancel our plans for the evening.

"Hi Josh, look, I'm really sorry, but I don't think I'll be able to see you tonight. Chris just told me that he is going to propose to Teagan, and he wants me to help him start to plan the engagement party tonight." I jumped into my explanation, already feeling guilty for lying about why I had to cancel plans.

"No worries at all, that's very exciting milestone for their relationship." He said, expressing genuine happiness for the couple.

God, he was so understanding.

"I know, I'm just so incredibly happy for them." I gushed.

"As am I, they truly are great people. I am glad I've gotten to know them a bit better recently."

"I'm glad you have too." I smiled to myself.

"I am, however, rather disappointed that means I won't get to see your pretty face tonight." He added, changing the subject.

I let out a laugh, "I'll miss your pretty face too. I promise I'll make it up to you."

"I hope you know I'm going to hold you to that, Celine. I'll talk to you later, have a good time." He said with a laugh.

"Thanks Josh,"

And with the end of the phone call, I knew that I had royally screwed up by going another day of keeping the truth from Josh, and it had begun to eat me alive.

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