Chapter 15- Red Handed

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I took a second to collect myself and made my way back to the heart of the function. Everyone around me was so happy and celebrating the love of our favorite couple, so I decided it would be best to put Mikey's antics behind me and enjoy the rest of the night. 

As I approached the table where it had all occurred, I slowed down as I watched what was going on with the boys. I stood back and gazed with admiration as Sam, Josh, and Danny all fawned over Lina. She practically had them wrapped around her finger as they were all vying for her attention. It was so cute to see Josh interact with her; each day I was surprised at how good he was with kids. Lina had not stopped smiling for a second as he talked to her, she was truly mesmerized. 

Obviously, it was still early in terms of my relationship with Josh, but I felt like we had a truly strong connection with one another. I had never felt the way I felt when I was with him, ever, and it was even the same feeling I had gotten when I first met him nearly a year and a half ago. I'm optimistic and I really feel like this could work out between us. I wanted us to be a family—Lina would have a dad, her real dad, and I couldn't help but picture him there for the future milestones of her life.

I was awoken from my daydream, rather suddenly, by the sound of Jake's voice.

"Hey," He said cooly, taking a place beside me.

"Oh, hi Jake, what's up?" I said, trying not to appear startled.

"I just wanted to talk to you."

"Okay... what about?" I asked skeptically.

"About before, I just wanted to clear some things up." He stated.

"Okay... yeah, I'm willing to hear you out." I said assuming the reasoning for this conversation was for him to explain why he had antagonized Mikey. Although Mikey had definitely been in the wrong with his outburst, Jake definitely wasn't innocent either. He shot me a puzzled look at my statement.

"So, Celine, how long did you say you've lived here?" He asked.

"Oh, um, I think this makes it going on six years now. I moved here for school and then I stuck around after I graduated." I replied hesitantly with a smile, which quickly faded as the gesture was not returned. He simply gave a nod in acknowledgement.

Why was he so on edge tonight?  I thought this was going to be about what happened over dinner.

"You know, we've been here a few times over the years," he began, giving me a quizzical look. The expression had taken me aback but I dismissed it, attributing it to his rather reserved disposition.

"Oh really? That's great... I, uh, really like it here." I said growing more unsure where the direction of the conversation was headed.

"Seems like Mikey is pretty fond of you." He stated simply.

"I guess," I replied timorously.

"Is there any reason for that?" He pressed.

"Jake, what are you getting at?" I asked in annoyance.

"Have you and Mikey ever hooked up?" He asked, directly.

"Oh my gosh, Jake, No! He just has a stupid crush. We were friends and college and since graduating he was hoping it would turn into more, but I've never been interested in him like that." I exclaimed. I was growing more annoyed with Mikey by the second as his words and actions suggested there was more going on between us than there actually was.

"I'm just trying to make sure your intentions with my brother are pure." He clarified.

"Of course they are! I care about Josh a lot and I would never do anything to jeopardize that." I insisted.

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