Chapter 14- Trouble in Paradise

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The day had finally arrived. Teagan and Chris were getting engaged. Chris took Teagan to the beach and they spent the day together, while I was at Teagan's parents' house; I was helping them prepare for the engagement party, and Millie babysat Lina for the duration of the process.

The party was to be held in their backyard, which was actually quite an impressive setup. Their backyard consisted of about an acre and a half of land, where we set up round tables and tents, equipped with string lights for when it got dark. We had even arranged for the event to be catered by Teagan's favorite restaurant.

Everything was going smoothly and according to plan. Josh and the boys arrived before the party had begun to set up their equipment and to do a soundcheck to make sure that everything was in order before the happy couple was to arrive. They traveled light considering that they would only be performing one song as Teagan entered the gathering.

I was truly so elated for Teagan and Chris, nothing could ruin this day.

The next hour or so was a whirlwind, the guests had arrived and we successfully surprised Teagan when she and Chris showed up. We cried tears of joy together and I finally got to see the gorgeous ring on her finger. She was absolutely radiant, I don't think I had ever seen her happier. She was so grateful that Greta Van Fleet had agreed to perform and that we were able to coordinate the party with all of her family and friends.

After all the commotion had settled down, all of the guests sat for dinner. Lina was situated in her stroller beside me, napping, as I sat at a table with Josh, Jake, Danny, Sam, Tom and Mikey. We ate our food and the drinks began flowing as we chatted amongst ourselves.

"Surprised to see all of us in the same place after your little performance following our last show." Jake remarked, tipping his glass in the direction of Mikey before taking a sip.

The side conversations died down at once, as all of us tuned in to what unfolding before us.

"And why is that, Jake?" Mikey bit back, seemingly on the defense.

I was starting to get a sense there may have been a little more history between Mikey and the Greta boys than he had initially let on.

"Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems as if history is repeating itself." He shrugged, looking from me and Josh back to Mikey.

Mikey's jaw clenched.

Why was he poking the bear?

"Jake," Josh said under his breath, almost as a warning to his twin.

"Come on, Jake. Not here." Sam echoed Josh's warning, shaking his head.

"What is going on?" I whispered to Josh.

He shook his head, dismissing my question, and patted my thigh affectionately in an attempt to ease my worry.

"It may seem that way now, to you, I'm sure. But it's far from over." Mikey said decidedly, not breaking eye contact with Jake.

"What's that supposed to mean, Michael?" Josh chimed in, a fire sparking in his eyes. The look of determination only fueling my worry as to what was about to happen.

"It means that you always seem to insert yourself into spaces where you're not welcome, and this time I'm going to protect what's mine." Mikey answered, the anger growing in his tone.

"Oh, please, Mikey." Jake scoffed. "Cool it with the dramatics."

"You don't think I'm serious?" He said, the volume of his voice increasing.

"Guys, now is not the time to bring up old beef." Danny said, wearing a panicked expression as a few people had begun to turn their heads at the conversation.

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