Chapter 18- Betrayal of Brotherhood

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*Josh's POV*

I sat in my car with the keys in the ignition, engine idling, unable to move. I had no plan of going anywhere, really, but I was desperate to get away. It was as if all at once the memories rushed in at once, and I was transported back in time to the night almost two years ago when I had met Celine for the very first time.

The boys and I had just finished one of the first shows of our tour and Jake and I had decided to go out and celebrate. Sam and Danny couldn't be bother to do such as they both had made plans of their own.

A few minutes in, Jake had spotted an old friend of his that was going to university in the city which left me all by my lonesome. I didn't mind though, I always felt like it was easier to talk to people without the competitive twin energy that was often conjured when it came to vying for a woman's attention.

I did a scan of the club to see if there was anyone that piqued my interest when I spotted her leaned up against the bar. She was one of the prettiest girls I had ever seen. She had such a light to her, that it drew me in and I was hooked from the moment I heard her speak.

We spent the night together and it felt euphoric— that was until I realized she had left without a trace the next morning. 

Initially, I had been upset that she hadn't stuck around. But, hey, what could I expect? It was a one night stand with a total stranger, right? Sure, that's what most people would have thought, but there was just something about her that I couldn't shake.

I recalled having told Jake about the happenings of that night, and I knew that he, out of everyone, was the most in tune to how I had felt for the mystery girl that I had taken home. I decided that I should call him first to see if he could offer any help or clarity with how I should choose to proceed now that there were more details I had become aware of regarding that night.

I opened my phone to call him.

"Jake?" I asked after the ringing subsided.

"Hey, how'd everything go with Celine?" He answered, asking in reference to our little excursion.

"Listen, there's something important I need to tell you." I cut the chase, wanting to get to the reason for my call instead of entertaining the small talk.

"Mhm," He replied, seemingly preoccupied, not realizing the weight of what I was about to tell him.

"Jake, Celine was the girl I had a one night stand with after the night at Flex." I said, dropping the first major piece of the story.

"Oh, wow," was all he could say.

I took a deep breath before continuing, "And, I'm, well, I'm the father of her child."

"How're you feeling about all of this?" He asked in response.

I took a pause because Jake was suspiciously calm about the whole thing. This was the type of information that would turn someone's whole world upside down, and it had for me, but Jake was acting as if I had just called him to talk about the weather.

"You knew, didn't you?" I accused.

He cleared his throat on the other end of the line.

He had already known the truth.

"You knew this whole time and you didn't tell me?! I cannot believe you. How could you?" His lack of defense being the only confirmation I needed.

I was distraught. My twin brother had withheld crucial, life-altering information from me. Why would he do such a thing?

"God, Josh, I didn't know the whole time! I swear I only just found out, she begged me not to tell you because she wanted to be the one to deliver the news since it was about her daughter." He explained, trying to ease my increasing anger.

After the Rain- Josh KiszkaWhere stories live. Discover now