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Tommy POV-

It feels like I haven't been working like this, in my desk, for quite a while when I actually was organizing paperwork not that long ago. The previous night had been too long, and opened too many wounds- both old and new. I'm glad it was over though, and now I know Philza, Technoblade and Wilbur won't actually be doing anything about me being a vigilante.

When Wilbur first met me, I could tell, deep down, he knew we were related. He knew who I was. I guess that's why he was so pushy and protective. He just knew I was his sibling. He took one look at me and hired me rather quickly. Truth be told, when I found myself looking for a job with the Hero Corporation. I was immediately throwing myself out into the open for a reason. I made it obvious who I was, not only as Philza's missing son, but as the most wanted Vigilante. A part of me said it was because I just wanted to show them I was better without them, another part decided it was just because I wanted them to feel the, almost cruel, outcome of their missing son and brother, becoming what they are taught to despise: a vigilante. And yeah, all those reasons play a part, but the main reason why I made everything so obvious, was to display the fact that I did not want to hide, nor did I want to been seen as an illegal loophole to get past the government and corrupt Hero society. I made that point clear to Wilbur when I was first hired, and I think he caught on incredibly fast. He knew I was his brother, and for that, I believe he cancelled out the idea of me being a vigilante, but he already knew to begin with. 

So why was I still angry? They already know my real identity. Nothing needs to matter anymore. 

"You should have told me Dream was the one who took you away from us", Wilbur whispered to me, leaning over my desk, watching my work with distant eyes. I paused, "I didn't know you were...aware of his..past actions?", I was kind of asking myself, unsure if he was really referring to what Dream did to me in the past, "Is that what your calling kidnapping? Or maybe torture?", I shook my head, failing to hide how my breath hitched at the mention of what I went through, "I'm sorry to bring it up like this with you. I was going to take disciplinary actions against him, but XD has excused his absence for the time being, and I didn't want to act irrationally without getting a say in this from you yourself, it just wouldn't be right to rush in and act like i'm helping you by beating the guy up, when doing so could actually just be making things worse on your end", "How considerate", I said quietly, "I'm happy to see you've dropped the self-centered act and egotistical personality", Wilbur shrugged, "even I have a role to play in front of Techno and Philza, as well as my other colleagues", "Philza and Techno aren't just your colleagues though", "I suppose not, but I've always held a grudge against Philza for influencing me into treating you the same way he did", I shrugged at that, "I want to hate you all for that, for how you treated me, but I can't, because it wasn't for no reason", "It wasn't a good reason, and I'm sorry we treated you unfairly, none of us will force you to see us as family now that we  do  have you back, even I recognize that isn't what you need", "what do you think I need, Wilbur?", "I think you need to heal, Tommy. You can't do that worrying about yours and your roommates living conditions though", I stared at him, puzzled, "what does that mean?", "It means i'm getting you a new place, and don't say you don't need it, because you do. I'm not going to force you to live with me and Philza, nothing like that. I'll get you your own private place, nothing too big because I know you would hate that, but a good house with good living conditions", I frowned, "You don't owe me anything, i'm choosing to do this for you, so don't think i'm doing this just because I want something of you. I don't. You didn't get to have the life you deserved, and a part of that is my fault. Let me fix it and give you what you need to heal. Let me take this stress off your shoulders. You don't have to worry about being a Vigilante anymore, or worry about money- let me take care of it, because you know you deserve a good life", "this is sudden", "I know", Wilbur whispered, his eyes darted from mine to the paperwork at my desk, "I thought about it for a while, and now that I know you are the Jester, I think I should finally put a stop to XD's dictatorship. I should have tried sooner, but knowing he could have you executed just for being a vigilante, I have to remove him from his title", "How do you plan on doing that?", I asked, genuinely curious, "Don't worry about it, I don't want you to worry about anything like this again- just let me take care of it, let me take care of everything, okay?", I sighed and leaned back in my chair. 

I'm not angry anymore.

I just wanted someone to see I didn't deserve to live like this. 

"Okay", I agreed slowly. 

Wilbur POV-

I acted irrationally before, breaking a window, and going to rush after Dream without a second thought- I was glad I caught myself in the end. I'm glad I was able to see what Boffy was actually offering me. 

"Hey, welcome back", "You too. Long night, huh?", Boffy asked gently, I nodded, "For all of us, it seems", I shot a knowing look at Puffy, who smiled sheepishly, "being a vigilante is pretty popular now, huh?", I asked, she chuckled, then frowned slightly, "I know, I decided on it out of no where, but I just couldn't help but think- what if there are other kids like Tommy, so young and being a vigilante because they feel like it's the only way to keep their homes safe? All because XD thinks  the rich folks opinion matters more", I nodded, "I talked to Tommy", Boffy perked up at that, "Yeah?", "Mhm..he...he's letting me, or, us, take things from here", I said. Boffy smiled, "That's good, that's really good. I'll tell Deo that. He's the main leader of this operation anyways. I'm sure he's also going to be taking care of Dream and people he's allied with, y'know, like with George and Sapnap", I nodded, "that sounds great and all, but me and Puffy still have no idea who Deo is", Boffy laughed, "Yeah, don't worry, you'll meet him sooner or later. Just know he's got things with Dream, and all we have to focus on his keeping Drista from getting caught, and getting people to turn on XD. Most Heroes are already starting to see past his lies, so we should let things take it's course, and interfere if necessary. Puffy, you have more information on XD himself, so you can use that to your own advantage as a vigilante however you please", Puffy nodded, "alright, that sounds like a good plan on my part, but wouldn't it also be important to have leverage on XD? I know it sounds unnecessary with what's already going on, but I think it be good to have as many options as possible when it comes to removing him from his position of authority", Puffy explained, Boffy nodded in understanding, "I get that, don't worry about it, Deo already has Dan on that with Bitzel and Luke", I sputtered, "I don't know Luke or Bitzel, but Dan? Isn't he supposed to be in retirement?", Boffy smiled, "He was, but, he's kind of helping us now, and has been for quite a while" 

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