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time skip to when they ate and went to school (minho is still wearing jisungs hoodie with his pants from the day before)

"minho you know what going to happen right?" jisung looked at minho worried and minho shook his head no. "well yo- we are going to get..judged" jisung help onto minhos arm in front of the school doors.

"im ready when your ready" minho looked at the smaller boy who was holding his arm for dear life. "lets go!" jisung dragged minho into the school and all eyes fell on them. whispers,whispers, and more whispers appeared. jisung tried to not break down, he was a very sensitive person.

"it will be ok" minho whispered to jisung noticing that the boy was shaking while walking to his locker. when they got to his locker both of there eyes went wide. there were edited pictures of minho and jisung kissing? and the word 'faggot" written in red on white pieces of paper taped to it.

at that point jisung dropped to the floor and had a panic attack, "make it go away please!" the poor boy was shaking and crying on the ground with his knees to his head and nearly pulling out his luscious hair. 

minho kneels  down. "sung i need you to breath with me inhale and exhale can you do that for me?" jisung nodded yes and minho started to count. "inhale, 1....2...3" jisung took a deep breath in and waited for minho to say something again. "exhale, 1...2...3" jisung let out the breath he was holding and felt somewhat better, but not all the way he needed a distraction.

"follow me please" jisung slowly got off the floor and leaded minho to the bathroom where they went into the big stall and jisung shockingly said something minho was not ready for. "f-fuck me please" minho choked on his spit and went back to breathing. "w-what? ji i don't think your in the right mind" minho looked at jisung shocked. "n-no yes i am!" jisung turned red and realized what the fuck he had just said.

"sungie i don't like you like that and i hope your just saying that to get this stuff off your mind" minho reasoned with jisung and it broke his heart he doesn't like me?  dummy you don't even like him!..or do you? jisung snapped out of his thoughts when minho hugged him. 

"it will all get better we just need to stick together" jisung said in the crook of minho's neck "i hope..." minho let go and lead jisung out of the stall. "we need to go to classes we already skipped 2 of them including the one were in together so try to hold up for me?" jisung nodded and minho walked away. 

"fighting!" minho shouted while walking into his class and leaving the younger with a wide smile on his face.

that whole day hyunjin and Felix tried to talk to jisung but he  just walk away he ignored hyunjin because he beat minho up and Felix because he knew about the plan to hurt the boy and didn't do anything about it. and then there was changbin, jisung just didn't talk to him since he knew the others would use him to send messages back and forth and changbin got annoyed easily. 

as jisung was getting his books from his locker he felt someone put one hand around his waist and the other covering his eyes. "guess who~" jisung laughed at minho's silly behavior, "minho cmon i need to see my books!" jisung whined and minho let go of jisung and uncovered his eyesa jisung oddly missed minho's hands around his so he did something bold while minho was still behind him.

jisung took minhos hands and put them around his waist minho gladly clutched on and waited for the younger to finish.

"o k now let go" jisung tried to move minhos hands but they were held together from the back to the front. "i thought you like it hm?" minho said it in a slightly deeper voice than before. 

no he doesn't like you hes just playing around!

jisung tried once more but still didn't succeed "ugh let gooo!" jisung pouted and tried to slip down but minho just held tighter,  so jisung and minho waddled around the halls the the cafeteria.

when the walked through the door a couple of eyes landed on them, no not just a couple..half of the cafeteria did. whispers, laughs, and stares they probably though they were a couple! "please let go" jisung whispered to minho who was behind him.

"nope, let them think what they want" minho said with a grin and jisung rolled his eyes "your so annoying!" jisung and minho waddled over to a empty table and it forced minho to have to let go.

"aw man!" minho pouted and sat next to jisung with his lip out. "jisung the whore!" a chant started to echo through the while cafeteria. "w-what did i do?! make it stop!" jisung covered his ears and started to cry, minho had enough. 

"shut the fuck up!" minho got up and yelled his lungs out at eveybody who was chanting and glared at everyone one of them the chant stopped and everybody looked at minho including the teary eyed jisung. "im not dating jisung so stop assuming shit! and mind your fucking business he is not a whore you guys are, you sluts!"

minho took jisungs hand and led him out of the cafeteria "im taking you to my house" jisung nodded but oh boy did he know he was in for a ride. 

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