Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chapter Thirty-Five

   Anya's eyes fluttered open, the light was streaming down her face. She felt like crap. All she wanted to do was go back to sleep but the light was a very light, pale yellow which meant dawn was still on the horizon.

   Had she stayed asleep all day yesterday? Oh she hoped she had not it would not be fair on Dimitri. She had made him a promise and if she did not go and see him yesterday he must be so worried. Plus that meant one day of the seven she had granted him in the cells was gone. Oh she had to see him today!

   "You're awake!" Anya's eyes widened fully as she remained laid down in her bed. Where did that noise come from?

   Turning her head slowly her blue eyes connected with her sisters. "Lara?" She muttered, her voice dry from the lack of water she had had.

   "Yeah it is me, but keep quiet. Mother told me to keep out but I couldn't," Lara told her.

      "What? Why?" Anya erected herself in the bed and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She was happy to see Lara but she knew that they had things to sort out before they begun pleasantries and she did not have the time today. She knew that the day had only just begun but Dimitri was the most important person on her list and she also had to tell her parents everything she had learned, included what that demon had said about Heinodis.

  She could barely keep her eyes open last night as she fell asleep in her mother's lap so after her father has said goodnight they did not have much time for talking.

      "Because she did not want me to wake you up." She replied. "She said you were exhausted and I had to give you space but I could not wait much longer because I just wanted to see my big sister again and patience has never been my strong suit."

   I had to agree with that one. She was dressed in her night dress. "Did you stay here all night?" Lara shook her head.

   "No I had to wait until the family had gone to sleep and then I fell asleep so I have only been in here about half an hour." Anya was glad about that. It was kind of creepy if she had been there for hours.

   "Why did you not wake me up?"

      "Because mum said you were tired and I knew that you needed to sleep."

      Fair do's she thought. "So, what else did you want?"

      Anya did not mean for it to come out as sharply as that but when she saw Lara wince it made her feel a tad bit guilty.

   "I... I just thought we could talk?" She wondered, her face full of hope.

      Anya however wanted to put it off for as long as possible. She did not like arguing with her sister but the last one she did have was the biggest one they had ever had. Plus she did not want to get into the whole 'you are the Queen now and I will never be'. There was just too much drama that she did not want to delve in right now.

   Also, Lara had gone to Darya's and accused her of being jealous — something she has never nor will ever be. Jealously was just such a petty trait and she did not have the time for it.

   "I have not got the time today Lara." Anya admitted. "I need to go and see Dimitri in the cells plus today we will be burying Darya and I am not emotionally ready to get into a talk as deep as the one we need right now."

   Lara's eyes drooped and she became very quiet. She had waited for her sister to return every day and yet when she saw her, the argument that her mother and she thought would have passed was still there. She had really hurt her big sister more than she had realised.

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