Chapter 13: Breaking in!

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Two Walkers are standing inside a house, just standing there doing nothing till the sound of footsteps make them turn the the door and see Logan kick it open and throw a knife into the closest one's head, Logan's hairs got longer and scruffier and even grown a little beard, his outfit's pretty much still the same though and he went to get his knife while Rick put the other one down with a suppressed shot to it's head.

T-Dog, Daryl and an older Carl followed with Beckett on his tail, Logan signaled for Beckett to follow Carl and the dog did, Logan and the others started to walk around the house clearing the place out, Logan went into a room and saw one standing by the window, Logan got it's attention and pulled his knife out and as soon as the Walker was close enough Logan stabbed the Walker in the head making the body drop.

Logan quickly pulled his pistol out though when he heard something behind a door in the room, Logan slowly walked over to the door with his gun close to his chest, Logan pulled open the door and saw Daryl on the other side pointing his crossbow at him.

They both chuckled and Daryl waved to Logan.

Daryl: Let's check upstairs.

Logan agreed and followed Daryl till they got to the base of the steps, Logan held his silenced pistol out and patted Daryl's shoulder letting him know Logan's there and ready to go.

Logan and Daryl searched the upstairs area but found nothing so Logan put his gun away.

Logan: We're clear.

Logan walked out the room and saw Daryl walking out another room with an owl in his hands.

Logan: That's an owl?

Logan asked knowing what it was but is still confused as to what it was doing in the upstairs bedroom of this house.

Daryl: This. Is dinner.

Daryl responded patting Logan's chest and starting to pluck the birds feathers, Logan watched him then went down the stairs to see Rick at the door waiting for everyone to enter the house.

Logan: I'll take Beckett to see if we can find some food.

Logan said to Glenn and T-Dog, they nodded as Logan called Beckett and the dog ran to him allowing them both to go and hunt, they were confused why he left but when Beth walked in it all made sense.

Logan told them what happened, Beth wanted to know more about Logan and what happened before the outbreak, Logan didn't want to say and it caused a rift of sorts between the two of them, so since then Logan's been avoiding her.

Logan and Beckett went through the forest trying to find anything, something for the group to eat but their coming up with nothing and after about an hour or so, he called it and went back to the house just as Rick through a can of dog food in to the fire place.

Rick: Where's Logan!?

Logan looked to Rick as Rick's become a bit of an asshole over the passed few months, Logan understands he's angry and all but he's taking it to far and Logan isn't putting up with it.

Logan: I'm right here.

Rick turned to Logan and marched up to him getting into his face, everyone watched as Logan didn't back down.

Rick: What happened to not splitting up?

Rick was clearly in a bad mood and for the passed few weeks Logan hasn't been the happiest either.

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