Chapter 15: Clearing Out The Block!

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(This one's going to be a bit shorter then usual! Enjoy!)


... Nothing... Nothing is behind the door except a closed cell door, Logan steps out the way allowing Rick to go first and he pushes the cell door open with a squeak, Logan and Daryl behind him as T-Dog and Glenn brought up the rear closing the door behind them and stepping into an open area filled with rubbish and dirty rags lying around.

Logan: They really need to fire their cleaner.

Logan quipped while holding his knife in his left hand pointed out as he rested his gun on that arm keeping his aim steady if needed as he kicked a piece of trash, Glenn and Daryl thought it was funny where as Rick indicated for them to spread out in the area just in case, Logan and Daryl take the right side while T-Dog and Glenn kept an eye out on the left.

Rick pointed up to the control tower where a small amount of blood can be seen on the glass, Rick carefully made his way up their and found a deceased guard clearly having blown his brains out, Rick took a set of keys off the dead guy and saw another two sets hanging up, Rick picked them all up and made it back to the group.

Rick opened up the door to Cell Block C and Daryl was the first in making sure they weren't caught by surprise, Logan followed with Rick behind all making sure their not going to get jumped, T-Dog and Glenn made sure there were no surprises in the cells as Rick walked over to the other side of the block and found the door to still be locked.

Daryl whistled for Logan to following him and Logan did both making their way up to the top deck, it seemed to be empty till their heard a small bang from on of the cells, Logan took point as Daryl stayed close behind him pretty much using Logan's shoulder as an aiming assistant.

They both got startled when two Walkers from different cells ran into the locked cell doors, both Daryl and Logan shared a chuckle at getting startled before they both used their knifes to kill the dead Walkers, Rick tossed them the set of keys and they got to unlocking the cell doors to one. Tidy up and two. Make sure there's isn't anymore surprises.

Logan: T! Heads up!

Logan warned throwing a Walkers corpse over the railing making it drop in front of T-Dog, Logan wiped his hands hopefully clean as T-Dog dragged the corpse away and Glenn walked in with the others.

Rick: What do you think? 

Rick asked walking up to them as Logan walked down the steps twisting his left arm in discomfort, something is aching him right now but he can't say anything about it till he can talk to Hershel alone.

Glenn: Home sweet home.

Glenn joked walking passed both Logan and Rick as he went to find a cell probably for himself and Maggie, Logan wasn't sure if he and Beth will be sharing a cell, they slept next to each other before but that was then and this is now.

Rick: For the time being.

Logan looked around and spotted the cell that will be his if it's not going to be with Beth while Carol asked the most silly question of the day.

Carol: It's secure?

No, it's only a prison with locked doors and windows allowing all kinds of Walkers to get in.

Rick: This cellblock is.

Hershel, Beth, Beckett, Carol and Lori stopped and looked around as Logan sat on the steps with Daryl just behind him and Rick on the floor answering all their questions.

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