Chapter 28: The Search for Glenn & Maggie!

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*You all want to feel old? I just found out that the little girl at the beginning that played the first Walker Rick killed. She's now 23 IRL, not a little girl anymore 😂!*


The small group is walking through the woods, Michonne and Oscar up front taking point while Logan's kinda just wondering around, Rick and Daryl behind him, no one's really saying much, their just looking to get their friends and loved ones back where they belong, Glenn and Maggie are part of their crew, you hurt one and you hurt them all.

Rick: I know what you did for me, for my baby, while I was... working things out. Thank you.

Rick thanked Daryl for risking his life to go and get the baby things she'll need to survive, Rick had no idea that Logan helped out as much as he did, Logan did quite a lot for the Cellblock while Rick was having his little meltdown, Daryl isn't going to take all the credit though and indicated a head of them to the younger of the group, it's pretty weird to think that Logan's still only 20 years old, Beth's reaching 18 so he can't be much older then her.

Daryl: It's what we do.

They continued to walk through the woods as a Walker nearby stirred catching the attention of Daryl, he told Rick who warned the others to get down, Logan dropped to a knee while pulling his knife out, Daryl got ready as Rick held his machete out, hoping it's only a straggler but it's not, a small bunch of them came out the woodland, making Rick give the call.

Rick: Get in formation. No Gunfire.

He said more to Oscar as he he;d a machine gun, Logan waited for Daryl to get past him and followed, his left hand on Daryl's shoulder, as soon as Daryl put a bolt in a Walkers head, Logan passed him and drove his knife into another's, both dropped back into position as Oscar swapped a gun for a hammer, delivering a blow to the undead's head then a few more once the corpse hit the floor.

Daryl: There's too many of them.

He has a point as more and more kept coming, a large bunch even appearing from behind them, Daryl didn't have time to keep reloaded the crossbow so he pulled his knife out as they all stood in a small circle, Logan side stepped another one and drove his knife into the back of it's skull before it got to Michonne, she looked to him when he did but didn't say anything, neither did he, he's still not convinced that this isn't a trap or something.

Rick: This way. 

Rick spotted a gap and pointed for Daryl to follow him, Logan did as well with Oscar behind him and Michonne bringing up the rear with the Walkers not too far behind them, they all continued to follow Rick through the trees, cutting down the odd Walker here and there till they spotted an old hunting shack in the distance, the doors and windows are boarded up so it could be safe for now.

Rick: Through there. Come on.

Rick was the first into the room with Logan close behind him, keeping an eye on the corners either side of the door, just encase they get jumped as soon as Rick kicked the door open, luckily they didn't and they all made it into the shack.

Rick: Get the door.

Oscar moved to a nearby side while Logan and Michonne pushed the door shut, Daryl now has a new bolt in his crossbow, hasn't dropped the weapon since they got in here but they still needed to be quite, the Walkers outside can defiantly still hear them and they haven't made sure this place is fully safe or not yet.

Rick: Keep it down. Keep it down.

Logan turned around and looked around the room, one of the first things that hit's you is the smell, it was so strong that Logan took a deep inhale like it took his breath away or something, he's glad he's not the only one that smelt it though because Daryl's hand which is still holding his knife, went to his nose to block the smell.

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