First day

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My page is legit just blonde dudes. I didn't mean to do this on purpose.

"Don't be creepy." You told yourself looking in the mirror. You looked down at your hands resisting the urge to punch the mirror. "That would be a mess to clean up." You said slightly pulling on the tie on your uniform.

"(Y/n)~" your mother sang walking into your room.

"Hm? What is it." You mumbled picking up your bag.

"Don't forget your book!" She said happily giving it to you.

"Hehe thanks!.. To bad I don't really like reading.."

"One more thing! Don't pull your stupid pranks at school! You know I work there. So I can punish you however I want~" she said jokingly.

"But that's a ghosts nature! What type of ghost doesn't pull pranks!

(Y/n) (L/n)!
Quirk: Ghost!
Basically anything a ghost can do. But because of her quirk she can give off bad energy sometimes. So she always try's to always keep her lively energy up. Her quirk can make people go to sleep causing her to activate nightmares to scare them or weaken them for a bit.
Drawback: can possibly give off bad energy at times. Also salt-

"Haha I guess your right! Just don't get into trouble."

"Haha no promises!" You said picking up a pepper. "Hehehe I wonder who's gonna get stuck with this one.." you said sticking it on a bag

"I'm leaving now. Later kid." Your mom said starting to leave.

"Bye bye then. Midnight!" You said winking.

"That's the spirit! Now! Don't spill the secret! Your uncle is gonna come later to make you some food! I'll be patrolling today! And I can't have ya being hungry!" She said. "Your dad is busy... again... what a prick. Cant even see his own kid!"

Your dad side is a family of exorcists, and builds support for hero's. But usually just exorcist ghost for fun. Just the evil ones

"Haha he's probably busting some ghosts! Which.... Kinda sounds like he's killing his own kind.. Ah well! I'm leaving!" You said walking out the door

"Byeeeeeee!" She sang walking out the back going a different way to the school than you.

School wasn't that far away. But you trained so hard yesterday that it felt like forever walking.

You looked around at the houses seeing some birds fly around. I wish I was a bird.

"My god. How far is this stupid walk.." you grumbled. "I better not miss the ceremony"

"Oi! (Y/n)!! Wait for meeeeeee!" You heard your best friend yell running towards you.

"Huh? AH-" you yelled as she tackled you. "Ah man. My uniform might get dirty!"

"What's up ghosty! What prank are ya pulling this time!" She said laying on top of you smiling.

"A good one Hatsume." you said smiling

"Hehe my babies are finally gonna pay off here!  I'm so exited that you'll be in my class!"

"Haha Hatsume its only for a hour."

"Yeah but an hour with me! Aren't ya exited?!" She said shaking with excitement

"Of coarse I'm excited! My dad is definitely excited. My mom was glad I accepted the hero corse though.."

"You know ever since we've been friends I've never actually seen your parents! Yet you've seen mine like almost every day."

"Like I've said multiple times Hatsume. Both my parents have full time jobs. I have a uncle that comes to give or make me food so I'm not completely by myself haha! And can you please get off of me?"

•Boo!• Neito Monoma x reader Where stories live. Discover now