Hero? Or villain.

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Yo. I don't have the costume you wear drawn yet but it looks like the ghostbusters uniform but a navy green. You also have a backpack with all your supports in it. Ok now. Enjoy.

You sighed eating breakfast your mom made
before she left. She has to leave earlier now, so the food was really cold but there was no time to heat it up. School starts in like 10 minutes.

You gave up. This will take a long time to finish.


You grabbed the plate and started sprinting towards the school. Your shoes where those shoes that can turn into skates. But they were closed because you were going up hill. It wasn't a high hill, but you were too lazy to try and go up it in skates.

The school was slowly approaching.

"Is that (L/n)?" Some kid said as you ran past them. You stopped at the top of the hill and jumped tapping your feet together activating the skates and rode down the hill.

The school was coming faster. You picked up a peice of your food slightly taking a bit. Still cold. You sighed putting it back on the plate.

You soon came to a stop at the stairs. You smiled closing your skates. You walked in looking for your mom to thank her for the breakfast. And to also heat it up for you.

You walked around for a bit soon seeing her.

"MIDNIGHT! HELLO! HELLO! IM A HUGE FAN! MIDNIGHT! CAN YOU SEE ME!? IM RIGHT HERE! I MADE YOU BREAKFAST! EAT IT!" You said jokingly. She was talking to president mic.

"Wow. She might be louder than me.." he mumbled. Your mom smiled turning to you. You can tell it was one of those smiles before disaster.

"Haha I'm just kidding, Hey Mic can I talk to her about my classes real quick though? Alone." You said picking up a peice of your food forgetting it was cold.

"Better hurry. Class is about to start!" He said walking away with that smile.

You smiled turning to your mom.

"Thank you.." you mumbled looking at the food. "Can you heat it up for me really quick though?.." you said handing her the plate.

"(Y/n) you need to wake up more early. Being a hero isn't just about fighting, or saving people it's also about being ready." She said walking with you to the teachers lounge.

"Well how can I be ready if I'm tired.."

"Sleep earlier then."

"No way. I'll wake up a little earlier then tomorrow.. happy?" You said looking at your shoes.

She smiled looking down at you. "I'm kidding! You can wake up whenever you like just don't be late. Now go to class you can get this later after your done with training!" She said shooing you off.

"After?! Fine fine! I guess I'll starve!"

"Ah stop being dramatic! You'll get it later! Now go to class!" She said closing the door. You laughed a bit at her reaction and turned to go to your classroom.

The hallways we're getting empty. Class must be almost star- ONE MINUTE LEFT!?

You ran into the classroom as soon as the bell rang. You sighed seeing you had to sit smack dab in the front. At least you'd be training in a bit.

Turns out training didn't start till another hour. What a bummer.

You found yourself thinking. Nobody even knows what your quirk is. I mean they kinda got an idea. But they don't know you can put someone to sleep just by touching their head. They know you can go through walls and stuff but it only can work once a minute.

•Boo!• Neito Monoma x reader Where stories live. Discover now