Cant take my eyes off of you

506 21 42

(Can't wait to finally read the rest of the mha manga)

You ran into the classroom almost late. Luckily your mom reminded you about the time when you were up at your uncles restaurant. You walked through the door with a smile on your face since it was the last school day of the week. "Hello Sensei-"

"(L/n) I swear you better not sleep today."

You blinked and loosened your tie a bit "Jeez. Fine I won't.." you mumbled walking to your seat. "First I can't sleep and now I always sleep!" you said slamming your head on your desk. "Why can't my stupid body make up its mind!" you said hitting your head with your arm.

"Quit it (Y/n). Your gonna knock yourself out.. Stop it" Kendo said as you continued to not stop.

"Eh. Let her do it. Maybe she'll knock some sense into herself.." Monoma said lightly chuckling

"That's coming from you?"

"Shut up!"

The teacher cleared his throat before he started to speak "Alright class. Everyone did a fantastic job on the written exams. I'm so proud! Unfortunately one of you failed on the practical. Neito Monoma."

You heard him scoff and look to the side "did you have to say that out loud?.."

You laughed leaning back into your chair "Hehe! Have fun in summer school hell. Neito Monoma-"

"Hang on a sec (Y/n)! Here's the best part! EVERYONE IS GOING TO CAMP!" The teacher yelled with a smile on his face. "Woohoo aren't you excited!?"

"Well that was kinda embarrassing..." you mumbled rubbing your eyes as everyone got confused and mad at the teacher. "Welp I guess you get to have fun now Monoma. How lame..." you mumbled sighing "now I gotta shop for this trip.." you muttered before smiling knowing your dad will pack for you. He always sticks the most random stuff in your bag when you let him pack for when you say over at your moms or Hatsumes. So this'll be like a mini gift when you go to camp.

"Summer break is coming up." Someone said excitedly "how about we all go to the beach!"

You looked to the door. "All of us?..." you muttered. There's no way you can go.

"Hm?" Kendo hummed somehow hearing you. "You can come if you want to (L/n)!-"

"I don't want to." You said quickly "I've got plans all summer." You said lying. You're gonna do absolutely nothing during break.

"Oh really? What exactly are these big plan of yours?" Monoma asked mockingly.

You looked over at him with narrowed eyes "wouldn't you like to know." You said as the teacher laughed.

"C'mon why won't you go with us~" the American wined as you packed your stuff for the end of the day.

"Because." You said as Kendo walk in front of you.

"Y'know (L/n). Monoma and Tetsutetsu will be there? And I'll be sure to keep you entertained!"

"I don't care." You said zipping up your bag. "You can't convince me. It's too hot out there." You said grabbing your bag.

"Uh yeah? That's why we're going to the beach you stupid ghost." Monoma said walking up behind you.

"I prefer sitting in my house that has AC and eat some popsicles." You said slightly turning to him. "Mm. I could go for a popsicle right now" you said getting excited to go home.

Monoma hummed "you were just fine with going to the beach when we were with the puppet? So what's the big deal." He said starting to interrogate you. You looked away slightly annoyed

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