Moving in.

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(My bad guys. My bad. The lord and the Holy Spirit has answered your prayers. I'm back after my mission PRAISE ME!)

"Are you crazy!? She's not going!" You heard your dad yell in another room. You sighed as you thought about All Might retiring. Wow. What a day.

"Dain. You know she has to-"

"Why?.. why does she have too? And I'm not too happy at you either! How come I didn't know the details about my daughter's death!?"

"She's alive-"

"Well she wasn't for about five fucking  minutes!" You heard him pace around the room.

You looked over at your sound proof headphones. You were increasingly getting annoyed about hearing about your death. It also seems to be one of the hot topics of UA besides that explosion dude getting kidnapped. Even though he was recovered.

Also... you heard about a girl named Toga was also in the League of Villains. But.. you couldn't accept it.. so you're trying to avoid going on your phone for a little bit.

Then you looked at your weak arms. Your weak little noodle arms. You clenched them and then looked into the mirror.

You looked over at the mirror and saw the eyepatch on your face. Your hand shook as you tried to resist breaking it. As your hand was up the door to your room slammed open.

"Oh. So I was right. You're pretty uncomfortable about all of this, aren't you?" It was your uncle. "You've seemed different ever since you got out the hospital. I could see it in your eyes. Do you need to calm down?" He asked. You slowly nodded. "Hm. Okay. Let's go to my restaurant and make some of that dessert you like so much." He said grabbing your arm and pulling you out. "Let's let them go at it for a while."


"Tch. Don't take it out of proportion."

You sighed as you took your rage out on the cake batter you were mixing "I think your getting a little crazy there.. haha" your uncle said as the batter was spraying everywhere.

"Sorry.." you said slowing down a little. "Uncle imma try and become stronger.."

"Huh?" He said wiping off the batter on the counter. "Stronger?"

"Look at me. I'm weak. Maybe if I was stronger.." you said "a weak ghost." You said before pouring the cake onto a cake pan.

"You're not weak.."

"Don't lie."

"Okay. You are. It's the truth. If you're serious about this I can help you. Y'know what that means?" He said taking the pan away from you. "No sweets!!"


"Nah I'm just kidding. Eat whatever you want I don't care." He said putting it in the oven. "You're dad use to be a big book nerd. Y'know what he did?" Your uncle asked making you raise a brow "he'd have a book in one hand and a weight in the other. He'd do pushups as he read. It was a bizarre sight."

"It sounds bizarre. My dad doesn't read." You said trying to picture him reading. He's never reading. Always inventing.

"Well he read a lot of books about machinery. He wasn't just born with the ability to invent. Though, he did always have bright ideas. I think he was born with a creative mind. He definitely passed it on to you."

"Well I already know about machinery! How am I supposed to read and work out? I don't read!"

"What interests you?"

"A lot of stuff."

"Do you like books?"

"Of course not."

•Boo!• Neito Monoma x reader Where stories live. Discover now