Create those ultimate moves!

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(I think.... I miss my wife... *frantically writing chapter*)

"Is that what I think I see?.."

"Oh my god..."

"She's evolving."

"Nope. She's totally possessed."

"Shut up! A ghost can't be possessed!"

You growled a little from frustration as you continued to read in the common room as your classmates stared at you in disbelief.

"She's actually reading a book.. and working out?.." Monoma chuckled with a small smirk. "Hah! Who knew your tiny brain could comprehend the art of the history books! Ahaha!" He laughed. "Ehe!" He giggled then pointed at his eye "You wouldn't want to stain your only working eye now, would you?" He teased.

"Hey! You be quiet! I passed my test ahead of you!" You said fixing your eyepatch.

He hummed and sat beside you. "I'm just teasing you. Don't be so mad~" he chuckled slightly pulling on your eyepatch before giving your head a small pat. "What're you reading anyway?"

"Uh.. a book?.." you rose a brow before your teacher walked into the room.

"Well what kind of book, you idiot."

"None of your-"

"Hurry up kids. Or you'll be late for class. I'm looking at you, (L/n)"

"Ahaha.." you chuckled nervously before you closed your book and stood up.

You sat at your desk struggling to stay awake.

"(L/n)." You heard a stern voice.


"Are you listening?" Your teacher asked.

You rubbed your neck and closed your eye. "Well... not really.." you muttered.

"Then you better put your listening ears on, young lady!" Your mom said walking into the room with a smirk.

You gasped as your eyes sparkled. "Midniiiight!?.." you said as your classmates looked at you and chuckled.

"Ultimate moves represent who you are.. these days pro hero's have an ultimate move.. those who don't are fools.." she smiled. She then pointed to you with a stern but teasing look on her face. "Since you weren't paying attention, Sweetie, I'll repeat what your teacher said." She winked. "You're main goal this summer, young lady, is to receive provisional hero licenses." She said before she looked around. "Only 50% of students receive one."

"Yes, ma'am." You nod.

"Oh wow.. that hard, huh?.." Monoma uttered as he tapped his pencil on the desk. You then groaned.

"Ah wait! Will my eye be fixed by then?" You whined putting a hand on your eyepatch.

"Recovery girl is still working on that.." Vlad muttered. You squinted your eye. He seemed to be hiding something..

"You'll just have to work extra hard, (L/n)!.. I'm sure you'll pass!" Kendo said with a smile. You sighed and turned forward.

"But I'm literally blind.." you uttered.

Your teacher sighed. "Today you'll be focusing on something new.." he said. "Ultimate moves.."

"Ultimate moves!?" The class yelled in shock "an exam sounds like school work but this is total hero work!" They yelled excited. You hummed and tilted your head.

"Ultimate moves?.." you uttered a little confused.

"This may sound abstract... but you'll soon get it as you go on.." your teacher explained. "For now study until Class A gets done with the gym gamma..."

•Boo!• Neito Monoma x reader Where stories live. Discover now