Sports festival. Pt2

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(I hate chopping chapters like this but it'd take forever to get the whole festival in one chapter)

"10,000,000 points!" Midnight yelled. You smirked looking towards the person who won. That one green haired dude in class A

"Ten million?" You smirked. You almost could feel the fear radiating off of him as everyone looked at him.

"You can form two to four people in your teams! No taking teams down on purpose! You may start forming up your teams!" Midnight yelled explaining the rules.

You looked around trying to find a team. You sighed deciding to go to some random team.

"Hey... (L/n) right?" Someone said touching your shoulder.

"Hm?" You said turning around to the crazy purple haired dude from that other day. "Yeah that's right... how do you-" you felt yourself freeze up and vision get fuzzy.

"Heh.. stupid hero's.." he smirked "now be a good little hero and follow me."

You obedient followed with your bad energy starting to rise up.

"Hey dude! We're losing" you yelled looking at the scoreboard

"I should have chose somebody else.."

"Heh heh this dudes tail keeps waking me up! You have a pretty interesting quirk purple haired dude!"

"... I have a name you know.."

"Yeah yeah whatever,I'm not good with names anyway... I don't even know this dude in front of me besides that he's in my class."

"You talk to much.."

"Fine fine. I'll shut up for now.." you said looking back up at the board. Monoma was winning and Tetsutetsu wasn't that far behind either. You tried looking for Hatsume turns out she's with those 1A dudes. Kendo was winning too.

You sighed continuing to play the game.

You silently laughed at President Mics commentary

"Hey (L/n).."

"Hm-" your vision became fuzzy again.

You slightly panted setting the dude down "Ugh... so much running.."

"We went even running.. you were carrying me.."

"Shut up.." you said as the tail dude started to freak out "oh.. and how exactly did you get a headband?"

"That doesn't matter. I'm done with you now. Thanks for the help." He said walking away. You sighed looking back up to the scoreboard

"WHAT!?" You yelled as Hatsume came back to you holding one of her broken babies.

"My babyyyyy! (Y/n)! You must help me fix it!"

"Well I guess we have some time now.. there's a break after this.." you said going to grab it. You sighed looking back up to the scoreboard. Monoma lost all of his points. His well thought out plan backfired. You smirked

Well at least it didn't backfire on you.

You tried to look around for him but there were a lot of people wandering around. "Ah.. I'll be right back Hatsume! Here take this back." You said handing it back to her. She just nodded taking it back and walking away.

You walked around looking at everyone. Some were happy, some were disappointed. You smiled as you saw Tetsutetsu

"What the hell happened to us? How'd we end up with zero points?...." he mumbled looking down

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