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بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Ameera's POV-
I did not expect anyone to be in the class but alas a boy was sitting there wearing a hoodie over his head. As the door opened, he looked up. I stood there speechless just admiring him.

He was so handsome. Messy black hair, prominent cheeks, sharp nose, and slightly chapped lips but his eyes are what snatched my attention. Grey, intoxicating grey eyes. He seemed to be reading something on his phone.

It got a bit awkward, with me just standing here and him sitting there looking back at his phone. He was sitting in the middle seat, so I went to sit at the back. As I was passing by my eyes accidentally fell on his phone and I realized he was reading Qur'an. I've seen many people read Qur'an in different places but just watching him do it I don't know it just made me feel something. Now I'm not a girl to like any guy so easily but there was just something about him that lured me to him.

After sitting for two minutes, Nina entered, and she was shocked to see the guy too but quickly recovered.
"Hi, are you in this course too?" she curiously asked him.

"Yeah" he replied in a deep voice. Honestly, his voice gave me goosebumps.

"Cool, we all are in the same course" she replied.

"We?" he asked.

"Yeah, me and her... wait sorry! I forgot to introduce us. I'm Nina and that's my best friend Ameera" she said.

"Ameera?" he surprised "What's the meaning of your name?" he asked hesitantly.

"Princess" I replied trying so hard not to blush. He looked at me for another minute and turned his gaze.

"What's yours?" I asked. He looked confused, so I repeated "What's your name?"

The realization came to him, and he replied "
'Ahmed '. I repeated his name in my head.

"It means highly praised" he quickly replied.

"Got it" I replied so he does not feel embarrassed.

It got too quiet after that. Nina came and sat next to me, and we started talking about every silly topic we could think of. An hour later, more people started to join the class and then walked in Aiden. Nina and I knew him because he was in our school. Honestly, I had a crush on him for almost two years, but I knew he didn't like me that way. He saw us and was surprised to see me, then started making his way to our table.

"Here comes your guy" Nina teases me.

'Oh no! why is he looking at us like that ' I thought. Because we were practically invisible to him in school, so it got me thinking. I turned to Nina to see if she was as freaked out as I was, but she seemed calm almost as if she has spoken to him before....

Chapter 3
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Uh oh. Am I the only not getting good feeling of what is yet to come? I had super fun writing this chapter😆 Let me know what you guys think so far😁 More fun and drama to come😋

 Am I the only not getting good feeling of what is yet to come? I had super fun writing this chapter😆 Let me know what you guys think so far😁 More fun and drama to come😋

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