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‎    بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Do Not Become Angry and Paradise Will Be Yours-
Remembering what Allah (SWT) has promised to the righteous who keep away from the causes of anger and struggle within themselves to control it, is one of the most effective ways of extinguishing the flames of anger. One of the hadith that describes the great reward for doing this is:

"Whoever control his anger when he has the means to act upon it, Allah will fill his heart with contentment on the Day of resurrection." [Reported by Al-Tabarani, 12/453. See also shaheeh Al-jaami, 6518]

Ameera's POV-
Alhumdulillah! It has been six months since that day in the cafe and here we are hanging out on the beach. I have been trying to get back to normal again with Nina and Aiden, we're getting there slowly.

It's Tuesday today. Finals got over last week. The results will come after two weeks. In Shaa Allah our result will be good. First year of university was over,Alhumdulillah. I made some good friends, some beautiful memories, some were bad too but they taught me good lessons so again it's a good thing according to me. In Shaa Allah the rest two years will be good too.

I noticed how Nina and Aiden were shocked by the improvements in my behavior. From a shy, holding grudges, short-tempered, and not following the religion properly to being confident, forgiving, handling situations calmly, and following religion. At first, Nina got worried if something was happening to me, haha, I can not forget the day she came to me being concerned about my mental health.

Nina and I came to the park with her baby cousin brother. He's 5 years old. He was just so cute. Masha Allah! Yeah, sure he was a bit spoilt and got angry when we don't give him certain things like right now he was asking for my phone and Nina kept refusing to let me give him.

"I said no Andrew" Nina refused him for the 4th time.

"But..but plwease sissy mir has gwood games" he pleaded. He couldn't get my name right so he calls me mir which I found really adorable. So I gave him a nickname too "Dre".

"It's fine Nina, let him have my phone for 10 mins the-" she cut me off by saying.

"You don't understand Ameera Andrew has-" this time I cut her off by saying "it's okay, it's just 10 minutes then I'm taking it back".

I gave Dre my phone and he squealed in happiness. How can anyone refuse this cutie? He opened the angry birds game and started playing. We watched him play, it was barely 5 minutes and he got stuck on this one level and refused to take our help.

At one point he got so mad that he threw my phone. I stared shocked. Nina started scolding Dre and kept apologizing to me. I noticed Dre was going to cry cause of the scoldings so I stopped Nina and said 'it's fine'. I checked my phone and luckily no scratches. Phew!

Nina sat shocked there and asked "how can you stay calm in this situation? That's your phone Ameera. What if it broke? What if-"

I cut her off by saying "exactly Nina, what if it broke. But see nothing happened, no scratches" "plus it's no use screaming at him. He's a kid and kids are bound to be stubborn and angry. So I understand his anger" I looked at Dre and smiled "it's okay baby, next time you get stuck in any level, instead of getting frustrated and angry...take 5 minutes break ok?" "Wanna know a secret?".

He looked at me wide eye and nodded enthusiastically "when I was a baby I got angry too when things didn't go the way I wanted it to. Now I'm all big and I realized it's no use getting angry, if you calm down and think calmly then you can solve the same problem and succeed" he looked at me in disbelief.

"Did it work?" He asked me innocently.

"You bet it did" "why don't you try the same...how about we take a small ice cream break and then you try that level again?" I asked him to which he nodded happily.

Nina sat there in awe. "Wow! How did you do that. Honestly if I was in your situation, I would get mad and never let him take my phone again".

I laughed and said, "I would have done the same few months back but since I learned the rewards of not starting a fight and controlling anger in any situation, even if you're not at fault. Ever since then, I think calmly and react accordingly and I have been so happy".

Flashback ends

Last week I saw her in the library going through books regarding Islam. I was so happy she was interested to know Islam. May Allah (SWT) guide her and others. Ameen!

Chapter 14
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Who all loves toddlers? I know I do😍
In Shaa Allah we all will get the patience Ameera has one day. Ameen!


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