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‎ بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Ameera's POV-
It's been two days since Ahmed confessed his feelings. Two days of me worrying about how everything would work out. Two days of me avoiding him. I know I can't hide forever but I'm just scared that he would change his mind and not want to marry me anymore.

Like the past two mornings, I got up took a shower, prayed, and went down for breakfast.
I saw my parents look at me with concern. I told them I was not feeling well hence why I'm staying at home. I greet them and sat down.

"Sweetheart, how are you feeling now? Do you still not want to go to the doctor?" My dad asked me worriedly. I love my dad. Sometimes he worries too much and can become extra sweet towards me.

"Uh, I'm feeling okay now pa. I'll go to work from tomorrow" I felt guilty lying.

"Baby you should know by now that you can't lie to us" my mum chuckled. I looked at her shocked.

"What? How did you know I lied?"

"We are your parent's princess. We saw you grow into this beautiful woman that you are now. We know everything about you since from childhood you shared everything with us" dad pats my head. I felt more guilty. I looked down not able to meet their eyes.

"Listen, if you don't want to share anything with us that's fine but don't lie next time okay?" Mum sat beside me and hugs me.

I didn't want to hide anything from them so I spilled everything to them. After I finished, they both smiled at me. Dad had tears in his eyes.

"Papa I'm sorry if I hurt you-"I start but he cuts me off.

"Look at you. You're so big now. I remember the first time I saw you. Your first smile, first giggles, first steps. Ya Rabbi! It feels like just yesterday you were born and now look at you, Such a beautiful young woman. I'm so lucky to have you princess" by the end I was in tears. I hugged him tightly.

"I'll always be your princess papa nobody can take that place. Not even my soon to be born sibling" I stuck my tongue at mum's big belly. My parents laugh at my behavior.

We binged watch few movies and that's how my afternoon went.


It's evening now. I just finished the maghrib prayer. There was a knock on my door. I look up to see my mum peeking.

"Mama come in" I fold my prayer mat and get up. "Did you need something Mama? Any weird cravings?" Mum was in her 5th month now.

"No baby. I wanted to tell you something, well actually we wanted to tell you something but your papa asked me to start and he will join us soon" she explained.

"Okay. What is it?" I started to freak out inside.

"Ahmed came here with his parents when you were hanging out with Taskeen" and that's how she dropped the bomb on me.

"He did? But what for?"

"Well he confessed that he had strong feelings for you and asked if we would give your hand in marriage to him" I froze.

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