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‎بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Ameera's POV-
I got ready quickly and wore a loose hijab around my head. I know you might be thinking when I started wearing hijab right? Well after I started praying regularly I noticed that the hijab I wore made me look beautiful. My parents were shocked to see me change drastically but they were happy, cause it was a good change. I wore a hijab before but never felt anything about it, maybe because I was forced to wear it cause of the school uniform.

Anyways I have been practicing wearing a hijab and thought to try wearing it outside today. I chose a baby blue scarf and wrapped it around my head quickly.

Ameera's outfit ^

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Ameera's outfit ^

I loved my outfit. What do you guys think?
I left quickly after taking a mirror selfie cause why not?! It took me 15-17 minutes to reach there and I went inside fast. The cafe was really nice and cozy.

I saw Ahmed sitting there but he was not alone, a hijabi was sitting next to him

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I saw Ahmed sitting there but he was not alone, a hijabi was sitting next to him. I frowned trying to think if he mentioned anyone else joining us but negative.

 I frowned trying to think if he mentioned anyone else joining us but negative

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Ahmed's outfit ^

As I reached their table, Ahmed noticed me. He smiled and stood up to greet me. The hijabi turned her head, and I realized her features were a bit similar to Ahmed's. She was beautiful, Masha Allah!

"Assalamu Alaikum Ameera" he greeted me.

"Walaikum Assalam Ahmed" I greeted back smiling.

"This is my sister, Taskeen (meaning peace)" he said.

"Oh, Assalamu Alaikum Taskeen! It's so nice to finally meet you. Ahmed told me a lot about you" I told her excitedly.

"Walaikum Assalam! All good things I hope" she said nervously.

"Haha... don't worry all good things. Your brother really admired you a lot" I said mischievously.

Her eyes widen and she looked at Ahmed. I turned to see his face and boy, he did not look happy. He pouted and said "I thought I told you to never let her know that".

Taskeen and I started giggling cause he looked like a kid when he pouts.

"Aww, you so cute big bro" Taskeen smirked and pinched his cheeks. I giggled again and he murmured something along the lines 'this was a bad idea now they will team up against me' which got Taskeen and me to full-on laughing.

We all sat down and started talking. I got to know Taskeen more and honestly, she is lovely. I can see why Ahmed admired her. We ordered burgers along with fries and coke. Ahmed excused himself and left for the washroom. While waiting Taskeen leaned to me and whispered "I like you for my brother"

Which got me to gasp and get flustered. I stuttered and replied, "I...we.. we aren't.."

She cut me off while saying " I know you aren't but let me ask you something" I mumbled an 'okay' "Do you like my brother?"

My eyes widened at this and I was flabbergasted and replied quickly "what?! No"

"Oh. That's okay but I want you to know that my brother likes you" she said and chuckled "And I think you would be great for him but no pressure it's okay if you don't like him" she said and laughed. Before I could say anything, Ahmed came back and the waiter put our food down. We said our 'Thank yous'. Then said bismillah and started eating. Alhumdulillah the burgers were delicious. We were there for half an hour more then decided to leave. We said our goodbyes and left for our homes.

That night I couldn't stop thinking about what Taskeen said. 'Did Ahmed really like me?' 'If he did why he didn't say anything?' 'Oh Allah! He knows I had a crush on Aiden' 'how embarrassing! He knows my past too' with these thoughts I let sleep slowly consume me.

Chapter 11
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Taskeen seems amazing😆 what do you guys think?☺️

******Taskeen seems amazing😆 what do you guys think?☺️

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