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‎بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Ameera's POV-
The next day came pretty fast, I was dreading going to Nina's house. I didn't know what to expect to be honest.

The walk to her house from mine was 15 minutes. Her parents went out of town for 3 days, today is the second day. I parked my car near her house and noticed Aiden's car there too. 'Weird' I thought nobody was going to be there but guess not. It's a good thing though cause I can confront them both. I had her house keys, her parents gave me one cause I practically lived in her house and she in mine. I opened the door and heard laughter coming from her room. Went near her door and noticed the door was a bit ajar, I was going to push it open but then I heard Nina and Aiden talk.

"We should tell her soon baby, I can't keep acting and being away from you" Aiden said.

"Ya I know it's hard for you but it's hard for me too you know, she is my best friend and I never hid anything from her. But what can we do? If I told her about it before she would hate both of us." Nina replied.

"And now she won't?" Aiden asked in a confused voice.

"I don't know Aiden but I don't want to lose her I love her like she is my sister" Nina told.

"I don't want to lose her too. I mean these past weeks that I got to know her, she is amazing and she doesn't deserve this" Aiden said sternly.

"I know, we will tell her soon" Nina replied.

I couldn't stand there anymore, it hurt too much so I left quietly from there and didn't bother to close the door on my way out.

I didn't want to go home too so I messaged my mum that I'll be at a friend's house to hang out and turned my phone on silent. I went to the beach that Ahmed and I went to. The waves make me feel calm, and help me stop overthinking. I sat down on the sand and just kept admiring the waves not wanting to think of the past few hours that happened. I know I know she didn't want to hurt me by saying about her and Aiden's relationship but she doesn't understand that by hiding it from me she hurt me more.

I don't know for how long I sat there but ya I did notice my phone vibrating a couple of times, I ignored them cause I knew it was her. And I really didn't want to think about them right now. After 10 minutes I felt a person sit beside me but didn't bother turning to see who it was. I could tell it was Ahmed. Felt him looking at me, he opened his mouth a few times to talk but closed it and kept quiet. After around 5 minutes he turned to face me completely and asked "Are you ok?".

I didn't say anything so he spoke again "You know they both didn't mean to hurt you ya?" "They knew you would get hurt if you had known before".

I replied in low voice "I know, but it doesn't hurt any less".

"I know and I'm not saying it does, just know that if you need someone to talk to I'm here" he said.

"I know, I appreciate it. Thank you" "But I'm going to need some space, for now. I'm still processing" I replied.

"Okay, I will see you tomorrow then in university" he said getting up "And I'll let them both know you are okay and need space".

I replied with an "Okay" and didn't bother turning around to see him leave. I sat there for another hour and left for home. After reaching home I told mum I didn't want to be disturbed as I was going to do an assignment which I doubt that she believed but she let it slide.

The whole day I stayed in my room and had lunch and dinner in my room. I don't know how long it's going to take me to talk again with both of them. I knew they were feeling guilty but I didn't want to think about them right now. My whole life I have been thinking about how to not hurt others and always put them first and for once I wanted to put myself first. I went to bed early that night with a thought of how it's going to be hard to ignore both of them, cause ignore or not both ways I'm going to get more hurt.

Chapter 8
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