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‎ بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Ameera's POV-
After Ahmed stopped choking, his face had this 'deer caught in sunlight' expression. It was so hard to control our laughs. He looked at dad dumbfounded. Then his face turned to a panic look before going back to normal. Jeez, I never saw him with so many expressions.

"Uh...I don't have a girlfriend but yeah I do have someone in my mind whom I would like to get married to one day... I just don't know if she feels the same way sir" he said looking at my face in end.

I felt a bit uneasy cause dad started looking at me too. So I shrugged as if saying 'don't look at me, I have no clue which girl he talking about'. At this both my parents started chucking and I heard mum saying something along with the lines 'oh my clueless baby'. I didn't think much of it. Cause yes I like him but if he liked me, he would have told me by now. And I know I'm supposed to be sad cause he likes someone else but I'm happy for him. He deserves happiness too. It just doesn't matter if it's with me or someone else.

After dinner, we all sat out just enjoying ourselves.

For dessert, I asked everyone if they wanted ice cream or cake

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For dessert, I asked everyone if they wanted ice cream or cake. Everyone asked for ice cream. I told them the options we had. After getting what flavor everyone wanted, I got up to get them before my mum could. I know she gets back pain and I didn't want her complaining later.

I went into the kitchen and removed ice cream from the fridge. I was looking for bowls in the cupboard but gosh they were kept a bit high and my short legs weren't helping me reach them. I was struggling to get them and I didn't notice someone was behind me. I thought it was dad cause who else would come to help me and is tall enough to get the bowls. The person reached for the bowls in the cupboard which I couldn't reach. I turned to see if it was dad but to my surprise it was Ahmed. It got a bit awkward. I cleared my throat and asked "what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be sitting out with everyone?"

"Do you think you can carry all the bowls by yourself?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.

"I would have managed Ahmed. You're my guest, how can I take your help?" I asked him back.

"Listen Ameera if I didn't come here your mum would have and I could tell she was having a bit of difficulty regarding her back. I didn't want her to go through pain just cause we wanted ice cream so I came to help" he explained.

"Oh, JazakAllah Khair" "let's take all the ice cream out before they melt here yeah?" I said and turned to remove them into bowls.

"Uh I was just thinking" he began to which I said "hmm". "What if some guy has feelings for you? What will you do then? Like will you accept him or reject him?" He asked me looking very curious about my answer.

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