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‎بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Ameera's POV-
I woke up with a smile on my face. Today was going to be a good day and no one could ruin it for me. I woke up early so I could decide on an outfit to wear according to the internship. I mean I can't exactly just wear casual and go can I?

 I mean I can't exactly just wear casual and go can I?

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Ameera's outfit^

I decided on a light beige long sleeves turtleneck crop top pairing it with off-white Solid wide-leg pants, an off-white blazer and a pale rose hijab. I added a pair of sunglasses, off-white heels, and a black & off-white combination shoulder bag. I absolutely loved it! What do you guys think?

After making sure I looked presentable, I went down to have breakfast. My parents were shocked to see me up this early. The old me would be shocked too ^^ in order to reach there on time, I had to make sure everything goes well with my outfit and I don't get stuck in any sort of traffic.

It's Thursday today which means I'll be hanging out with Taskeen tomorrow. I messaged Ahmed asking him for Taskeen's contact number so that next time she wants to hang out she could directly contact me. Not that I minded Ahmed asking instead of her.

I reached the office half an hour early. I asked the receptionist to point me in direction of miss Kayla's desk. It took me around 5-10 mins to get my way around. Finally, I reached her desk and she gave me a tour around the building as well as informed me of my duties. Apparently I would be working under the current P.A of the CEO. While giving information, Kayla told about the new CEO. How he is going to start training and if I'm lucky and do good in this internship, I might get selected by him for the position of new P.A for him.

I asked her about him a bit. About his behavior towards the employees and how his nature is and to say I was shocked would be an understatement. I heard nothing but all good things about him and it wasn't just from Kayla but the other employees. They all were excited to work for him.

I want to meet him. I want to know who this guy is, that everyone liked him so much and couldn't stop singing his praises. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear someone clearing their throat to get my attention. A hand waved in front of my face and I was embarrassed when I got caught. I could feel my cheeks heat up. I put my hands on my cheeks hoping to calm them a bit. I turned and saw Ahmed.

 I turned and saw Ahmed

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