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‎بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

"I want you both to understand that we both care for you guys deeply and that if you guys ever want to talk or ask us about anything, we will always be here" I continued. "This being said, whenever you both are ready to talk, we will be here. Okay?"

They both nodded. Nina gave Aiden a look and then both of them turned to us. Ya Rabbi whatever problems these guys are facing help them. Help us help them, Ameen!


Ameera's POV-
"Well...me...Aide-I" Nina stuttered.

"Hey, hey, look at me. Calm down, take a deep breath" I said noticing Nina was nervous. Which was a first, cause this girl is always confident. "You don't have to rush. We are here for you guys whenever you are ready. Okay?"

She nodded her head and took a deep breath. "We both want to know more about Islam" she shocked both me and Ahmed. I looked at both of them with wide eyes.

"Wow, um that's awesome. We both will try to help you guys know as much as we can, good?" Ahmed asked them.

Both nod their heads. "Our classes will start soon. You guys wanna grab something to eat before the class starts?" Aiden asked trying to clear the awkwardness.

"Yeah, I'm starving actually. I barely got to finish my pancakes" I said pouting thinking about this morning.

Nina squeezes my cheeks saying "stop being so cute". I rolled my eyes and rubbed my now red cheeks. 'All thanks to Nina' I thought sarcastically.

After grabbing a bite from the cafe, we attended all of our classes. Right now we planned to go to my house cause I had this book which is a translation of the Qur'an in English. I mean, what best to start knowing about Islam? Right? If you want to hear Him, listen Qur'an. Have questions? Qur'an has answers. Feeling low? Listen to Qur'an. Want guidance? Read Qur'an. Not getting sleep? Listen Qur'an. See what I mean?

We reached my house. I invited all of them inside. "What will you guys like to have? Water?soda?" I inquired as I entered the kitchen.

Everyone replied with 'water'. I gave them water and went to look for mum. I found her in the bedroom keeping the clothes in the closet.

"Assalamu Alaikum Ma. How are you? Why are you doing this work? You have back pain, did I not ask you to not strain your back much? The-" I started asking her getting worried about her back pain.

She cut me off saying "Walaikum Assalam baby. I'm good. Back pain is almost gone" I was going to protest but she gave me a stern look "I'm good. Trust me. Now did you eat anything or not? How was your day?" She inquired.

"Yes, I ate. The day was Alhumdulillah good. Ma you won't believe what happened today" I said excitedly.

"Ahan you are looking happy. What is it?" She asked.

"Aiden and Nina want to know about Islam. Can you believe it?" I said and left mum stunned. She said a small 'Subhan Allah'. "Anyways have you seen the Qur'an that's translated into English? I want to give it to them. It will be helpful for them. What do you think?"

"Yes, it will help. I kept in your drawer, the one near your bed" she said.

"JazakAllah Khair ma. I'll hand it over to them and we can talk after they leave" I said and started to leave.

"Them? Who all are here?" She asked confused.

"Aiden, Nina, and Ahmed" I clarified. "Alright ma, talk to you later" I left the room after kissing her cheek.

I quickly grabbed the Qur'an from my room and went downstairs. My friends were talking to themselves in low voice and as they noticed my presence they stopped.

"Sorry I was talking to my mum so it took me some time" I apologized.

"It's fine" they assured me giving a small smile which I returned.

"Here. This is Qur'an but it's in English so that you guys can understand it" I said handing Nina the Qur'an. Her eyes seemed to sparkle with curiosity.

"Thank you Meer for being so supportive" she thanked me.

"Of course babe. I'm happy to help you, always" I smiled at her.

We spent an hour talking and then they decided to leave as it was getting late. It was almost time for my dad to arrive too.

"Alright, we will leave now. Got assignments to do too. Thanks once again for helping us" Aiden gave me a grateful smile which I returned with a big smile.

I walked them to their cars and watched them leave. I stood out till their cars were not seen anymore. I noticed my dad's car arriving and I got excited to tell him the news.

"Assalamu Alaikum papa. You won't believe what happened today".....

After letting my dad know the news he was happy for them too. We had dinner and sat together on the sofa with me in between them. Dad had his arm around my shoulder and my arms around his waist, hugging him.

"What are you planning to do for the future?" Dad asked me. I gave him a confused look not understanding what he was trying to ask or where this was going. "Are you going to do a job? Or get married?" He asked with playfulness in his voice.

"I'm going to do job papa" I gave him an unamused look. "I'm not getting married anytime soon" "there is so much time for that I'm not leaving you so soon" I gave him a teasing look.

"It's not about leaving us, baby. It's about getting married young. You know Islam encourages us to get married at young age yeah?" Mum explained. I nod at her.

"I know Ma. But for that, I need a guy too" I made a face at her. "I don't think any guy would want to marry me"

"We know a guy who really likes you. When the time is right you will know him" dad explained.

I looked at them with a surprised face. "Someone likes me?" I asked to which mum nodded her head with a kind smile. "But how-why?" "Look at my past Ma, I'm not a good Muslim yet so how can he like me?" I asked her confused.

"You were not following Islam properly before but now look at you. Masha Allah! I'm so proud of the way you are changing yourself to become a better Muslim. Maybe he noticed how you are trying so much to become a good Muslimah and he likes that about you? Or maybe he likes how you are kind, caring, and selfless when it comes to others" mums explanation made sense.

"Anyways it's getting late you should go to bed" dad kissed me on the forehead.

"Yeah, I should" I said and left.

That night I kept tossing and turning but getting sleep seemed impossible. My mind kept wandering about the guy who likes me. I kept thinking if I knew him. 'For how long he liked me? If he likes me then why not approach me or my parents? Maybe he needs time' with these thoughts I drifted off to sleep somewhere around 3 in the morning.

Chapter 20
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