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بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Warning: short chapter

Ameera's POV-
A few weeks have passed since the university started. I have noticed Nina and Aiden looked closer and more comfortable with each other. Sometimes it's like I'm not even there. It's starting to kind of annoy me. But I'm not a jealous type of girl and I know my best friend would never betray me.

Anyways it's been around 2 weeks since our professors started giving us assignments already. Urrrghh it's like you so badly want a break but can't have it cause the whole world looks as if it's against it. Honestly, it's frustrating. We are currently in Arabic class. And our professor was talking about this assignment we have to do, a group assignment to be exact. A dual group which she already prepared a list of apparently.

"Alright students I'll call your name and your partners name and you have to come to my table and collect the topics on which you have to work for your assignments" our professor said. Groans and noise of disapproval were heard by the class but our lovely professor chose to ignore it.

"Laila with Khalid, Jamila with Mark.........Kristin with Abdullah, Nina with Aiden...and last but not the least Ameera with Ahmed." "Alright today's class is over, you all can leave the class if you want or sit here and discuss with your partner about your topics" the professor sighed and said.

'Nina is with Aiden just great, why couldn't it be Nina and I or Aiden and I ' suddenly I realized who my partner was and froze. These few weeks I have tried to avoid looking at him as much as possible because honestly, it looked like he was everywhere I went. I know I'm attracted to Ahmed but I'm not sure if it's just attraction or something else.

I was too lost in my thoughts that I barely registered a deep husky voice from behind me "Hey, so I guess we are partners for this assignment princess" Ahmed said in an amused voice.

"Don't call me princess" I stuttered like an idiot.

"And why not though that's what your name means so why does it matter if I call you Ameera or princess" he questioned with his eyebrow raised.

I was too stunned to reply anything and just let it be. "You are right, it doesn't matter" I murmured and avoided looking at him.

"You wanna sit here or wanna sit on my table?" He asked.

"Your's is fine" I replied and we quickly went to his table.

We discussed a few things about our topic and decided to meet at a café near our university, which luckily was a 10 minutes walk from my place. Anyways Nina, Aiden and i were becoming close or so I thought...

Chapter 6
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Poor Amaara feeling a bit left out😭

******Poor Amaara feeling a bit left out😭

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