First Morning Together

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Blue's PoV.

I was still not expecting to wake up, but I did. When I opened my eye's I realized that freak had left. I thought to myself good riddance. As much as I felt sorry for killing it, it was still a freak, an abomination. Sure it didn't wanted to kill Owen's pack, but it still would've killed more innocent humans, animals, and even me. After all it already tried too yesterday. But while it's presents being gone was reinsuring, it still was bad fir me cause no one would be able to take care of me while I waited for my foot to heal. Then I saw it's tail coming out of a large bush. It was dragging a thin creature, but this one had antlers.

Indoraptor: Here you go.

Blue: Why you come back.

It sat down under a tree and began running a finger on the bark.

Indoraptor: Did you really think I just leave you for dead when you meant no actual harm to me?

Blue: Knowing freaks like you it's already rare enough for them to spare their prey.

Indoraptor: What's your deal with calling me a freak?

Blue: It's what you are. Your just not right.

Indoraptor: Nor are you.

Blue: What do you mean?

Indoraptor: On my way to find you I encountered many creatures, but they had two things in common. They couldn't talk me like you can and they aren't as smart as we are. Wouldn't that make us both freaks?

Blue: No, I know your a freak and I have the experience to confirm it.

Indoraptor: Oh really...

It then turned to face me with an expectation of anger.

Indoraptor: Then explain your information.

Blue: It's none of your concern.

Indoraptor: Then quit being a bitch.


I went to stand up, but my foot prevented that. I fell back to the ground in pain.

Indoraptor: Are you going to eat or just grind my gears. I'll only be around until your foot heals. Then I'll be gone and we'll never see each other again.

I snorted and turned to the dead corpse and began eating.

Indoraptor's PoV.

Blue's such a bitch. I first thought finding someone who could not only understand what I'm say, but also respond was amazing. Wrong. Blue's so rude and annoying. Calling me a freak and refusing to let me help out. Like who in their right mind would not take food someone got for them. Ugh can't stand Blue right now.

*20 minutes later*

Blue's just finished eating the meal I brought and is apparently licking herself. Now I'm confused about what she's doing. Why is blue licking themselves. Blue starting with their arms, body, legs, and especially their broken foot. After that she started cleaning between her legs, but mid-way through it, Blue looked at me.

Blue: You know a little privacy would be nice.

Indoraptor: What are you doing?

Blue: Cleaning myself after our fight. Have you never cleaned yourself?

Indoraptor: Well the humans did that for me.

Blue: Oh my, OH MY GOSH! You're acting like a hatchling. You don't know shit about how to clean yourself and especially anything about personal privacy. Listen just go clean yourself. You probably also smell like shit.

Indoraptor: Why?

Blue: One, it's just common curiosity to clean yourself and two do you want other predators to find us?

Indoraptor: Okay.

I started licking myself, but then Blue seemed to get pissed.


I got up and walked over to a nearby pond.

Blue Choricles A Survivor and A Freak (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now