"This is not a Camping Trip"

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The forest is quiet, other then the sounds of tourists and animals nothing particularly dangerous lived here. Bears and wolves were a thing, but they don't typically attack groups of people. A group of deer stood drink from a pond, with a lynx watching nearby. Before the lynx could make a move it caught the faint smell. A weird one, the smell of old blood with a mix of wax in it, but as quick as it appeared it was gone. The deer looked up in confusion, trying to find the origin of the smell. When it's owner revealed itself it came from behind the deer.  The bushes were moved by an invisible force and the thing uncloaked as it crushed a baby deer and picking up a deer with it's jaws. While the lynx was shocked by how much this thing had killed, Ripper wasn't fazed. He picked his kills and brought them back to the cave he and Blue decided to stay at.

Blue's PoV.

This place is perfect, my life is perfect. I have someone who I can call family, an easy life, even ignoring the Ripper's be hunting for me it still is easy for me to hunt. Besides I can always hunt for myself, it's just nice to have someone like Ripper. Sure he's a little weird, but deep inside he had a heart of gold. Oh and speak of the devil he just returned. He sat the deer down and sat down next to me. He then licked my neck, knowing who much it tickled me.

Blue: Please stop.

Ripper: You sure?

He placed his head under my neck.

Blue: Yeah, I think so.

The sound of rain then occurred outside of our cave. So we ate and watched the rain and sky lights flicker and occasionally become a bolt that fired at the ground. It was a spectacle.

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