Getting Used to One Another

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Blue's PoV.

Hours have passed and me and that freak haven't really talked much. But I knew it would soon start talking to me. And soon enough he began talking to me.

Indoraptor: What's that?

It then pointed towards the pond and when I looked over I saw a hairy pig.

Blue: A hairy pig.

Indoraptor: What's a pig?

Blue: Prey that I used to eat all the time.

Indoraptor: Why? Is it your favorite?

Blue: Oh no, I hate their taste. It's just what the humans used to feed me.

Indoraptor: Wait you grew up living with humans too?

Blue: Yeah.

Indoraptor: Did they torture you too?

Blue: No. Wait what?

Indoraptor: Nothing.

Blue: No tell me.

Indoraptor: You're not telling your secrets so why should I?

Blue: *Sigh* Fair, fair.

I laid my head back down and that freak began picking at the grass. Sometime passed and it asked me another question.

Indoraptor: Do you need anything right now?

I'm gonna be honest, I really need to empty out.

Blue: Yeah, please help me up.

Indoraptor: Why?

Blue: Gotta take a piss.

It got up and placed it's right arm under my hurt leg and it's head under mine and I told him to lead me to a bush. It lead me over and helped me back down. I then asked it to leave me alone cause you know a little privacy.

Indoraptor's PoV.

After I helped Blue over to a bush so it could use the bathroom, Blue told me to let it be for a second. So I did, and I returned to where I previously sat. Okay, so far wasn't going as badly as previously. Me and Blue weren't fighting and had an okay conversation, so that's good. Then Blue called me back over to Blue and I helped Blue get back to where Blue was. I then I sat down under a tree and continued to pick at the grass. Soon I had more questions for Blue. Blue always seemed to have an answer to my questions.

Indoraptor: So you've been everywhere and have experienced everything.

Blue: No haven't been everywhere, but I've seen quite a lot.

Indoraptor: Well then are their any other creatures like us?

Blue then quiet for a second and then snarled at me.

Blue: Never ask that question again.

Indoraptor: Okay, okay. Chill.

Blue then lowered it's head to the ground and went for a quick nap. I continued to pick at the grass still confused as to why Blue continued to hate me and why they didn't answer my question. Would I ever get an answer.

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