Request N 3. Hang out, games and sex (H2oVanoss, SkepHalo)

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Request for wendigomelody15

3rd face Pov

"We are glad that you came to us, ladies. It will be much more fun with you during the games! Right, diamond dude?" - Jonathan said, putting his arm around Evan's waist.
"Yes, H2O." - Zak said, hugging Darryl from behind.
"Yeah, but... What are we going to play?" - Evan asked.
"I suggest a game 'Spiderman'." - Jonathan said.
"I've never played, but i don't mind trying." - Zak said.

A few minutes after the game.
"Psst, H2O. I confess honestly your boyfriend is a real model! I'm even jealous." - Zak whispered.
"Yeah, he is. But your boyfriend is really cute. Evan's copy in 2014." - whispered Jonathan.
The boys simultaneously look at their boyfriends, who are lying oppostive them on their bellys, watching TV, kicking their legs and... shaking their ass cheeks.
"Ladies, don't shake your cakes in front of us when we play!" - Jonathan said.
The bottom boys turned to their boyfriends.
"What's wrong with that, Jony? You don't like the way our booties wiggle?" - Evan teased as he continued to shake his ass with Darryl.

"What's wrong with that, Jony? You don't like the way our booties wiggle?" - Evan teased as he continued to shake his ass with Darryl

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"Don't tease us during the game, girls. You turn us on with H2O." - said Zak, starting feel the tightness in his pants.
"Aaaww. Just pretend we're not here. And play your game. Right, sugarcube?" - Evan said.
"Hehe, yeah." - Darryl said.
And the two of them continue to wiggle their asses. Zak and Jonathan try to hold back and focus on the game. But the cornres of their eyes made them look at their boyfriends, who continue to tease them. Meanwhile, the bottom boys are talking quietly to each other while jiggling their bodies. Suddenly they noticed that the game on the TV was paused. They were surprised.
"Umm.. boys. Why is the game..." - Evan didn't have time to finish when something garbbed his ass.
Evan gasped loudly. Darryl did the same. The boys turned to see their boyfriends squeezing their asses with their hands.
"We told you not to tease us during the game! Now you get what you deserve!" - Jonathan said sternly.
"Boys. What are you doing?" - Evan said as he and Darryl were lifted up and carried upstairs over shoulders of their boyfriends.
In the bedroom they were thrown onto the bed. The door slammed shut. The bottom boys panicked a little at the behavior of their boyfriends as they abruptly undressed them and themselves.
"Woah woah, boys. Why are you so abruptly?" - Evan stated.
All of a sudden, he and Darryl were flipped into doggy style, with their asses lifted up.
"We told you both not to tease us! Now we'll eat your asses." - Jonathan grinned.
"Hey language, you muffinhead!" - Darryl was outraged.
(smut is begin)
Suddenly, the bottom boys gasped loudly, feeling their asses squeezed again. And warm wet touch at their holes. Jonathan and Zak teased them with their tongues. The bottom boys groan.
"Evan. I think.. Nngh..we better learn this lesson. Aah. When guys warm uss... Nngh.. in a game, we better.. Aah.. don't provote them. Aah." - Darryl said.
"Oh. Y-yeah. Mmmgh. Y-you're right, sugarcube. Ah." - Evan said.
Then he and Darryl let out a loud groan, feeling like something went deep into them.
"Aaah. They entered us completely. Nngh. It's so deep! Aah." - Darryl moaned.
The bottom boys begin to feel something on their nipples. Jonathan and Zak tease them with their hands. Evan and Darryl groaned at the teasing.
"Argh. Just stop teasing us! Fuck us already!" - Evan screamed.
"L-language, E-Evan." - Darryl shouted.
"Sure. Especially from game with your nipples, both of you are horny." - Jonathan said.
Further, the tall boys began to move inside their boyfriends, holding their hips. Evan and Darryl moan with their mouths open, and fingers clutching at the bedspread. Slippery sounds, skin slaps, deep and loud moans ech through the room. For a few seconds, the bottom boys rolled their eyes and stuck out their tongues and breathed like dogs. They were close to their climax. A few more thrusts and all four came with loud moans.
"We're not done yet." - Jonathan stated.
He and Zak rolled Evan and Darryl onto their backs and entered them again.

Evan and Darryl: "Aaah."

The tall boys began to move again, clinging to the bodies of their boyfriends.
"You depraved little whores. What if you were wagging you asses in front of someone else and we weren't with you?! You enjoyed being fucked by strangers." - Zak grinned.
"L-language. Ah. Ah." - Darryl moaned.
The tall boys bite the neck of the short ones, moving quickly into them. The bottom boys rolled their eyes again, and breathing like dogs with their tongues hanging out. They see the stars. Their voices were almost hoarse. The pleasure almost paralyzed their bodies. Now the bed squeaks in the room. Evan and Darryl are on edge of climax again. Again a few thrusts, and all came again. Jonathan and Zak got out.
"This is the last round, girls." - Zak said.
While Evan and Darryl caught their breath, their boyfriends masturbate on top of them. A few seconds later, two white jets splattered on them.
(the end of smut)
"We hope you both learned your lesson?" - Jonathan said.

Evan and Darryl: "Y-yes."

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