Switched. Part 3.2

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Evan Pov

"Get him!" - shouted Sapnap.
Me, George, Sapnap and Dream play Manhunt. But for me it's just a catch-up. Dream is trying hard not to get caught by us. I rememebered how Bad was able to catch Dream twice, but he didn't explain how. Then an idea came to me. I stopped. The guys ran ahead of me. I figured out how to catch Dream without losing strength running. I'll speed up on the fly and win this fucking Manhunt. Half-crouching, i opened my wings and took out the rope. I caught the moment, and then broke off taking off. Past the guys, i seem to have flown like a bullet. A little more, and i crashed into Dream's back, knocking him to the ground. I was able to quickly tie him up while sitting on his body.
"Argh. Fuck." - Dream was outraged.
"Haha. Got yo ass!" - i grinned as i continued to sit on Dream's back.
"Vanoss got him." - shouted George.
"Wow. You won the Manhunt, congratulations. But how did you past us so fast?" - asked Sapnap.
"I just acelerated on the wings. Everything is simple, man." - i said.
"You are a cheater!" - Dream growled.
"Who is this cheater here? Looks like you haven't heard one saying: 'If you were born with wings, use them too.' Those who don't, run as you please." - i said.
"Bad has wings, but he use his legs." - George said.
"I'll talk to him about it." - i said, taking out the notepad and writing down the actions:
'Manhunt. Victory.'
"Alright, boys. It was fun. Now it's time for me to go." - i said getting up.
"Leaving so soon?" - George asked.
"Come on, man. I'll be there, okay." - i said leaving.
I hear a splash of water. I look  to the side, seeing Foolish jumping in the waterfall. I saw his tail. I flew to the center of the lake. I see bubbles. He emerges again. Like a bird, i perched on his shoulders. Foolish raised his head and smiled.
"Howdy doody, big shark man." - i said.
"Hey there."
I jumped off him.

I am back at home. Lucy met me by running around me and wagging her tail.
"Oh hey, snowball. Are you meeting me?" - i said scratching the dog behind the ear.
Lucy ran and barks as if calling me.

"Do you want to tell me something?"

Lucy set down by her bowl, putting her paw where the food should be.
"Oh. You hungry girl. I'll give you food." - i said.
I found dog food and poured it into a bowl and served it to the dog. Lucy began to eat quickly. I stroked her back. I went to Bad's bedroom. After this Manhunt, i'm a little tired. When I opened the door, i froze because i heard some rustling. I quietly entered the room. I took off my outer clothes. Suddenly, a fake growl came from behind me. At the reaction, i turned around sharply, but someone jumped on me. I counted two figures. But i heard familiar laughter. I open eyes to see Quackity and Karl with cat ears and gloves. Their faces have cat noses and mustaches. Aww, how cute.

 Aww, how cute

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"Oh no. Two cats have caught me and want to eat me." - i played laughing.

Quackity & Karl: "Meow"

The guys rub their heads against me like real cats. I playfully scratch their heads.
"Hahah. You guys are like a real cats." - i grinned.

Quackity & Karl: "Meow"

The guys started attacking my face and neck with kisses. I laugh and shake my head at the ticklish sensation. Sometimes my lips met theirs. Bad told me that these two are very kissers. I was able to sit up on the bed.
"Hahah. You are such kissers." - i said.
The guys stopped and laughed.
"What does that stink of? Like someone was sweating a lot." - big Q said.
"And that's true. I'm back now with a victory in Manhunt, and i seem to be sweating a little." - i said.
"Well, go take a shower. So we can hug you later." - Karl said.
The guys pulled away from me.
"I was about to do this until you two jumped in and scared me." - i said getting up.

After the shower, i feel real relief. Dressed in a T-shirt and shorts, i leave the bathroom, wiping my wet hair. I exhale from complete relief and return to the bedroom.
"Here i am. Clean and good smelling." - i said.
I sat down on the bed. Two pairs of arms wrapped around my body. Two heads on my shoulders. We collapsed onto the bed. Karl's arms stretched out and coiled around my body like a big snake. Bad told me it was Karl's ability to stretch his body.
"Your chest is so massive, Vanoss. Argh, no. She's much softer." - said Quackity, touching one of my muscle breasts.
"I rocked a little for 3-4 years, big Q. You should have seen and felt what kind of ass i have now." - i grinned.
"I can imagine it." - murmured big Q.
"And how did you imagine?" - Karl chuckled.
"She's big." - big Q muttered.
The three of us laughed.

The night has come. Everyone is already in bed. I wrote about today's hugs in a notepad. And now i stroking Lucy, who is lying in her bed. She fell asleep quietly. I yawned. It's time for me to go to bed. I'm brushing my hair in front of the mirror when i hear slow footsteps. Turning around, i saw big Q sitting on the bed with a blanket in his hands.
"Big Q? Why aren't you in your bed?" - i asked.
"I want to sleep in cuddles." - big Q almost whined.
I can see that his eyes look like he's about to cry.
"Aww, wait a minute, big Q. I'm almost done." - i said turning to the mirror.
I brushed my hair, wrote about the nights cuddles in a notepad, and sat on the bed. I Lie down on the pillow while big Q just looks at me.
"Well, what are you waiting for? Who whined about cuddles?" - i said with my arms open.
Big Q quickly crawled up to me, and hugging me behind my back, dug his face into my chest. I hugged him back, stroking his back. And covered us with two blankets.

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