Switched. part 3.1

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For gamerdemon-girl

BBH Pov.

The Vanoss husbands helped me with dishes. And also with the harvest. As Vanoss told me, i thanked them either with kisses or hugs. I entered the following into notepad. Now i've come to Vanoss' bedroom. It's time for me to change my clothes. I wonder what Vanoss has? I looked into his closet. It has a lot of clothes. But then i pulled them out to look... There were clothes purely for girls. But of course beautiful and cute, but... Vanoss told me that his husbands love to see him cute at home. And since i'm playing the role of Vanoss, it will take a week to get used to such outfits. I rummage through my closet, looking for the clothes i like. It seems i found it. Panda outfit. I put it on. I went to the mirror.
"Hey look at me. I am a little baby panda. Yay." - i said circling in front of the mirror.
If Sapnap was here, he would have let me into his big bear hug. I really look like a panda because i have black paws. I went to the window and opened the doors. Then i heard an angry voice.
"No. You already ate! This is not food! Stop it!"
I look down. I see Vanoss' husband JigglyPanda leading someone on a leash. When the second person came out and it was... a real panda. *gasp* A real panda! Weeeee. I quickly closed the windows and ran downstairs. I quickly put on my shoes and ran outside.
"Hey JigglyPanda." - i screamed as i ran.
"Oh. Hello there."
"Is this your panda?" - i said.
"Yeah. It's a girl. One of my pet pandas." - Jiggly said.
"Can i pet her?" - i asked.
I sat down in front of the big panda.
"Hi." - i said holding out my hand.
The panda sniffed it, and it seems to be allowed to me.
"Oh my goodness. I so dreamed of stroking a real panda. They are such plush animals!" - i said stroking the panda on the head.
"Evan said the same thing when he first touched a panda. By the way, i have a whole family of pandas at home. Would you like to see?" - Jiggly said.
"Really?" - i asked looking up.
"Yeah. Follow me." - said Jiggly,  waving his hand.
We came to a two-story house with a huge number of bamboo columns.
"How many bamboo do you have here?" - i asked.
"Enough to feed the whole family in this house." - Jiggly said.
"Oh my god. I see them through the windows." - i said seeing walking pandas through the glass windows.
It looks like there are about 50 of them. We carefully entered the house.
"Welcome to my panda family, Bad." - Jiggly said.
I went ahead. A big bunch of pandas are walking around the house. Among them are cute babies.
"Oh my goodness. There are so many pandas here! How have you not going crazy yet and dealt with so many pandas?" - i said.
"I'm only happy to feel surrounded by my own children." - Jiggly said.
"I see."

I did not notice how long i sat in this house. I looked out the window. The sky is almost dark.
"Time to go home, Jiggly. It's almost dark." - i said.
"Oh yeah. Let's go before the zombies or the skeletons get us." - Jiggly said.
"What?" - i was scared.
"Heheh. Just kidding." - Jiggly grinned.
We walked home holding hands. In Vanoss' bedroom, i look at myself in the mirror. I touch my hair that doesn't look fresh.
"I think i need to take a bath urgently!" - i said out loud.
"Would you like help with this?"
I turned and saw Delirious.
"Do you can help me?" - i said.
"Evan always ask me and Luke to help him take a bath or shower. Would you like to try?" - Delirious said.
"Really? Hmm. Well... I think it's worth taking a look at it." - i said.
I writed the following action in notepad.
'Help with water procedures from husbands'
"Alright. Boys. Can you help me take a bath? Please." - i said.
"Sure." - Delirious said, holding out his hand.
I took his hand.
They put me in a warm, pleasant-smelling bath. I dived and emerged from the water and closed my eyes, limp. I'm starting to envy Vanoss that he has such a royal life. I am raised with hands behind my back. A drop fell on my head. Fingers dug into my hair in a circular motion. And the same circular motion through the body. I am washed on both sides. God, it's so good! Does Vanoss always have this? I was brought to my knees, and soon two pairs of hands were sliding over my body. HOLY MUFFINS! IT'S SO GOOD! I automatically let out a soft moan while smiling.
"Do you like it?" I hear the voice of Cartoonz.
"Is it always like this between you and Vanoss?" - i told.
"Such services satisfy our queen. And we are happy about it." - Delirious said.
Then the soap was washed off me. Then one of my legs is lifted and i feel a ticklish sensation on my foot. From which i jerked sharply, began to laugh, splashing water with my paws.
"Woah woah. You will now fill the entire bathroom with water." - Delirious said.
"It's t-tickles." - i told.
"You are much more sensitive than Evan." - said Cartoonz, continuing to hold me from behind. "Grab the bathtub handles." - he added.
One of my legs was put back into the water and the other was lifted up. Again a ticklish feeling. I laugh again, holding onto the handles of the bathtub. Then i was pulled out and wrapped in a soft towel. I was brought to the bedroom in wedding style. I was dried and put on some short nightgown. My glasses are on the nightstand. They gave me some funny plush toy, which i hugged to me. I feel a kiss on the forehead. My eyes close and i lay down on the pillow. I was covered with a blanket. I hear a switch click.

 I hear a switch click

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