Request N 5. Part 1

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Request for alexis_gamer_girl391
I chose with a simple case, no arguments. If you do not mind, alexis_gamer_girl391

Evan Pov.

"Hey boys. Our garden is literally ripe. Jony, can you help me?" - i asked.
"Not today, Evan." - Jonathan said as he walked past me.
There coldness in his voice. And Jon said it without looking me in the eyes.
"Hey Ty. Can you help?" - i asked Tyler.
"I'm busy, Ev." - Tyler did the same as Jon.
"Hey Marcey. Maybe you?" - i asked Marcel.
"Do your business." - and Marcel did the same.
What is it with my husbands? Looks like i don't have as many important things to do as the guys who run like crazy. Won't anyone help me? *gasp* Okay. I do it myself. In the end, i myself harvested the finished crop. Luckily there there was some wind outside. I didn't even sweat, but i was a little tired.

3rd face Pov.

"I don't know what about you guys, but i want to shoot myself." - Brian said.
"I understand you, man. First of all, i want a can of cooling beer and then lie down on the bed." - Scott said.
"I had a terrible walkthrough of 'Among us' today with Jack and the guys. I secretly wrote to Jack in a message about who the impostors was. I saw Jack read it on his phone. But he still lied who the impostor was! I ended up calling him censored words and leaving the game!" - David said.
"I should have UNO match today with Ninja, Tim and CouRage. I was waiting for them to connect. But an hour and a half passed and there was absolute silence. I texted the guys where they were and then they said: "oh sorry Marcel. Next time." This is after a fucking hour and a half wasted!" - Marcel was outrage.
"One of my pandas was constanly going crazy and even mishievous. He bit and scratched me, and did not let his relatives when i fed them. I ended up killing him. But i can't get it all out of my head, Jesus Christ." - Anthony said.
The guys opened cans of beer.

Evan Pov.

I found my husbands. They all just hand out in the middle of the woods and drink beer. Without me?

Jiggly: "You know, i'm really glad Evan wasn't with me today!"

Something in my heart sank. What did he say now?

Brian: "I understand. It would be very terrible if he was with us."

Jonathan: "I'm so glad Evan didn't come with me to the zoo i recently built. He absolutely doesn't deserve this!"

Jon built a zoo? Why didn't i deserve this? I like animals a lot!

Luke: "Heheh. Let's cheers to Evan. To keep him from all of us."
All: "Yeah."

The guys cheersed cans of beer.
So that's how they are with me. I do everything to them to give my love, but they just now abandoned me. From their own wife/husband! Tears flowed from my eyes. My heart started to hurt. My legs gave way. I ran away without looking where. I've never been in so much pain. I ran deeper into the forest. My wet eyes are closed and i can't see where i'm running. Suddenly, i bumped into someone, and the two of us fell. There was squeak of a dog.
"Holly muffins. Watch where you're going like that."
I can reconize this voice anywhere.
"Ouch. I'm sorry, sugarcube. *sniff* My eyes were closed and i couldn't see anything." - i said crouching. "Hey Lucy." - i added scratching Lucy's head.
"Vanoss, are you okay? Look at me." - Bad said.
I looked into his white eyes and sniffled.
"Your face and eyes are red and wet. Did you cry?" - Bad asked.
"Um.. No. It's just that something hit me in the eye when i fell." - i lied.
"Vanoss, don't lie to me! The face will not become red and wet if something gets into the eye. I can see in your eyes that you're lying. Tell me what happened?" - Bad said as he sat down in front of me.
I exhaled and said: "These are just my husbands."
"What are your husbands? Did they do something?" - Bad asked.
"They... They broke my heart by dissed me!" - i said trying not to cry again.
"Oh my goodness. But how?" - Bad perked up.
"They told me to stay away from them. Plus, this morning they spoke to me cold and without eye contact!" - i said lowering my eyes.
"Oh my god! This is terrible! I had something similar with my guys. I was in so much pain too. Do not be sad. Come to my house. I'll give you hot chocolate and muffins. Plus, you'll get a good rest from those your.. 'husbands'." - said Bad, helping me up.
"Thank you, sugarcube. You're so generous as always." - i said, wiping my tears with my jacket sleeve.
Bad took my arm, probably leading me to his house. My 'husbands' still do not know that i go to the SMP town on the server. It's like my secret hobby. Well, if they fing out later, i don't fucking care. Plus, the SMP town is like a second home for me. I'm ready to stay there forever.

Part 2 is coming soon.

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