Switched. Part 2. The experiment has begun.

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For gamerdemon-girl


The experiment has begun. Now i sleep in an almost royal room, where Vanoss always sleeps. I already feel like a princess in such a bright and cozy house. Suddenly, something tinckled my neck. I twiched voilently, starting to chuckle. I'm afraid of tickling.
"Wakey wakey."
I hear the voice of Delirious, Vanoss' husband and leader of the gang. I open and rub my eyes. Delirious sits on the bed next to me, smiling at me.
"Delirious? Why did you wake me up like that?" - i asked.
"That's how we always wake Evan up like that." - Delirious said with a smile.
I just nodded. This is the first action. Gotta write it down. Getting out of bed, i took the notepad that was on the nightstand.
'Morning awakening from tickling on the neck and gentle words" Wakey wakey".
"Did you write our first action?" - Delirious asked.
"Yup." - i said.
"Okay. Get yourself ready and go down to the kitchen. Everyone is waiting for you." - Delirious said and left.
So Vanoss is the main character here? Nobody eats without him.
After the bathroom, i went to the kitchen, carrying my notepad with me. Smells like something sweet. Suddenly i was grabbed by the hand and spun like in a dance. I'm caught by a pair of hands.
"Are you awake, miss Experimenter?"
It was the voice of Cartoonz.
"You woke me up. Like you always do." - i grinned.
I was seated at a table where i saw an beautiful breakfast.
"Oh. Looks nice, guys." - i said.
"Everything beautiful is only for the bride."
I heard Fourzer0seven's voice. I opened a notepad and wrote down the next report.
'Serving a beautiful breakfast'.
I wonder how Vanoss spends the morning with my boys now?

Evan Pov

I wake up in the silence. Today no one began to wake me up by tickling my neck. Well, yeah. I'm not in my house. I get up and rub my eyes. BBH's room looks nice and cozy. There are a lot of photos with his guys in his room; lots of plushes on the shelves that look like gifts from his boyfriends; on the table is a computer and... a large tablet like my sister's (it's me, guys). Bad's dog Lucy jumped on the bed. She looks at me wagging her tail.
"Morning, snow ball." - i said, scratching the dog behind the ear.
Bad said she likes scratches. Getting out of bed, i took a notepad and wrote down the first report.
'Waking up on my own in the morning'.
For a week, i'll have to wear Bad's clothes, not my cute outfits.
Having dressed, i moved towards the kitchen, calling Lucy with me. Once in the kitchen, i see Lady Puffy and miss Nikki (Nihachu) cooking something.
"Morning, ladies." - i said.
The girls turned and smile at me.
"Hi, Vanoss."
"Need some help?" - i politely asked.
I helped the girls prepare breakfast. Having counted the required number of plates, we put them on a large table. Shuffling footsteps began to be heard. The awake guys entered the kitchen. Someone else half sleep; someone is just yawning.
"Morning, sleepyheads." - i said smiling.
"What does it smell like?" - Dream asked, rubbing his eyes and adjusting his mask.
"Pancakes with cream, sprinkles and berries." - i said.
"*gasp* That's sounds delicious." - Wilbur said suddenly running to the table.
Almost everyone sat down. But it seems someone is not here.
"Guys. It seems to me or someone is not here?" - i asked.
The guys looked at the two empty seats.
"Oh. Quackity and Sapnap are not here." - said George.
"Looks like they're still sleeping." - Karl said.
"I will take care about it." - i said, passing by the table.
I knew where these two slept. I found a door marked 'fiancees' and opened it. Big Q on the bed, and Sapnap on the floor. I sat down on the bed. Big Q sleeps quietly with his mouth slightly open. I noticed a small wet spot next to his face that looked like drool. Aww, how cute. I stroke his messy hair and tickling him under his chin. Big Q shifted his smile and groaned softly.
"Wakey wakey, big Q." - i spoke playfully.
"Nngh. What time is it now?" - big Q mumbled, reluctantly getting up.
"Everyone is already awake and in the kitchen, expect you and Sapnap." - i said, pressjng on Quackity's nose.
Big Q just grunted something and dug his face into my chest. I ruffled his hair laughing.
"You're cute when you're sleepy, big Q." - i said.
I rememebered Sapnap. I turned around and saw him snoring loudly with his mouth open. I got an idea. I took the feather from my wing, and using magic, i tickle Sapnap's nosestrils. Sapnap jerked sharplt... and sneezed.
"Argh. What the hell?" - he asked, reluctantly getting upand rubbing his eyes.
"It's time to wake up, Sappy Napp. Everyone is waiting for both of you." - i said, stroking Quackity's hair.
"*yawn* Only both of us left?" - asked Sapnap.
I nodded.
Quackity suddenly sniffled against my chest.
"Big Q? Hey. Are you sleeping again? Hey, wake up. Don't make me do this?" - i said while slowly shaking big Q.
"Do this what?" - asked Sapnap.
"You will see now. Because i have to do it!" - i said holding my hands in front of Quackity's sides.
"Big Q?"
"Big Q."
"I did it!"
I began to tickle big Q. Big Q jerked sharply and burst into loud laughter. I fully climbed onto the bed.
"Come on, big Q. Wake up. Stop sleeping." - i said laughing. "That's what i mean 'do this', Sapnap." - i added.
"Okay. I got it." - Sapnap said.
I stopped. Big Q catches his breath.
"Ok. *huff* We're going. *huff*" - he said.

Little bit of drawing 👇

Little bit of drawing 👇

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