Switched. Part 4.1

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Evan Pov

I wake up on my own. Normally i slept. I'm starting to get used to Bad's quiet life. I yawn and rub my eyes. I hear a sniffle to the left. I turn and see Big Q sleeping with his mouth open. Saliva is flowing again. Luckily it didn't touch me. I stroke Big Q's black hair with my hand. Big Q stirs and closes his mouth. He opens his still sleepy eyes and slowly looks at me.
"Hey, Quacky ducky. Did you sleep well?" - i said, running my finger over his face.
Big Q yawned while rubbing his eyes and i tickled his chin. I got out of bed. Lucy sat between my legs, breathing with her tongue and wagging her tail.
"Morning, snowball. Hey little girl." - i said, lifting Lucy and scratching her tummy.
Still, Bad has very cute dog. I looked at the time. 9:20 am.
"Hey, Quacky ducky. Wake up. You can sleep all day." - i said as i pressed Big Q's nose.
"Ngh. Five more minutes." - said Big Q, turning away.
I released Lucy. I saw how everyone who had already got up was walking past the room. Many said to me "Good morning". And i answer them.
"Hmm. Looks like i'll have to repeat yesterday's process." - i grinned, slowly tickling Big Q's belly with the fingers of one hand.
"Ahehehe. N-no. Not again. Hehehe. Ok ok. I get up." - said Big Q, getting up and rubbing his eyes again.
"Wakey wakey." - i said ruffling his hair.
Skip breakfast, adjusting sleepy guys, and helping with dishes. I poured food for Lucy.
"Hey Vanoss. We're going to play Manhunt again. Would you like to join again?" - George said.
"No, boys. Murder chases are not for me. I'd rather do something else. After all, Bad is doing something else besides this game." - i said. "Moreover, i would still win again by catching Dream on the fly." - i added opening my wings.
The guys are gone. I decided to go into Bad's room. See what's on his computer. I would like to try on his tablet, but Alexa said that these work a little differently. I want to see how Bad draws on it. Turning on the computer, i began to look through what Bad has here. I only found a few photos of his dog and what appears to be his webcam. He loves taking pictures of his dog. Does he have a videos? Unfortunately no. Music? There is one video. 'Muffin' song. Bad said that he sang this song. Let's listen. The song is not bad in general. Maybe i can make it in some remix? I'll ask Bad. Sitting on the sides of his computer are his plushies. Are these his YouToonz toys? How cute. I was distracted by whining. I turned and saw Lucy sitting next to me and looking at me, standing on her hind legs. Does she want to take my arms. I reached out and lifted her into my lap. I caress her fluffy body. Lucy lay on her back on my lap, leaning on my left arm and showing her paws beans, just like in the photo. I scratch her tummy. Bad said that Lucy like scratches.
"Who's a good girl? Who's a good girl? Who is this cute puppy?" - i spoke, caressing fluffy lump.
I rememebered the list Bad had given me. This is the schedule of his dog, that is, when to walk and wash it. Today it says that you need to wash Lucy. I looked at the time. Just that time. I got up from chair, taking Lucy in my arms.
"Hey snowball. It's someone's bath time." - i spoke into the dog's face.
Lucy began to twitch in my arms. Bad told me that's how she reacts when she hears the word "bath". And it was difficult for him to wash her dog, as she ran away. And sometimes one of the guys had to hold her. Is she a cat? Or hasn't she been tamed enough in the bath? But i have my ace up my sleeve. I brought us to the bathroom. Luckily Bad showed me how to do it. Using magic, i hold Lucy over the bath. Wetting her fur and adding dog shampoo, i began to rub her with my hands. Lucy whimpered slightly.
"Shh, it's okay. I know you don't like baths, but you have to be clean and pretty." - i told.
After lathering the whole body of the dog, i took a shower.
"Now wash off the soap." - i said out loud.
I washed all the soap off the dog's fur. And then wrapped Lucy in a towel.
"Here we go. Now we are clean." - i said, looking at the dog's face that sticks out from under the towel.
Lucy was quiet now. I kissed the top of her head. We returned to the room. I put the dog on the bed and began to dry her body. Then Lucy began to shake off her paws, body and head. Her white fur hung like tiny icicles.
"Here you go. Now it remains to dry a little." - i said, stroking Lucy, feeling her wet fur.
I noticed that Bad also has magic. I need to teach him my ace when washing Lucy. Suddenly my phone rang from a text message. It was Bad.

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