Switched. Part 4.2

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It's just a correspondence.

3rd face Pov

BBH: "Hey Vanoss"

V: "Hey sugarcube"

BBH: "How are u there?"

V: "Everything is nice. What about you?"

BBH: "Same. More and more i want to scream how much i envy your royal life."

V: "Heheh, ok. Your life is quite nice and fun."

BBH: "By the way, i just watched some videos on your channel."

V: "Nice. And what did you see?"

BBH: "Some Gmod Hide and seek. They are pretty funny. You also have Black Ops 3; Dead realm; call of duty; Gmod: Prop hunt; Sandbox; Scary map. I want to ask you what kind of games are you playing?"

V: "I will tell you later. After our experiment. It's long to write here. It's easier to talk."

BBH: "Ok. But i see some Minecraft videos here. Truth is not a broadcast."

V: "Bad, i already told you that i'm not a streamer like you. Maybe my boys are, but i'm not."

BBH: "I rememeber. I just said it."

V: "You're such a..."

BBH: "Don't you dare! Language!"

V: "You're such a banana muffin."

BBH: "Lol"
           "By the way, did you look at the schedule i gave you? Did you wash Lucy?"

V: "Certainly. Before you wrote to me."

BBH: "Already? How did you catch her quickly?"

V: "I didn't catch her. I held it in my arms when i read the schedule. She twitched when i told her about the bath. I rememeber your words. But i had an ace in my sleeve."

BBH: "And what is this ace?"

V: "I used magic to hold your Lucy, and washed her easily with my hands."

BBH: "Magic?"

V: "Yeah. You have magic too. Why didn't you use it? It's not that stressful."

BBH: "I don't know. I just didn't think of it. And i rarely used magic either."

V: "Me too. But just in case, i'll show you how to do it. Might come in handy in the future."

BBH: "May be. Thank you. By the way. Can you send a photo of Lucy? What is she doing now?"

V: "One sec."
    *Vanoss sends a photo of Lucy, who is already lying quietly on the bed with her eyes open*

BBH: "Aww, is my baby girl resting after her bath?"

V: "Looks like yes. By the way, i recently listened to one of your songs. It's called 'Muffin'."

BBH: "And what do you think? Did you like it?"

V: "Good song. Do you mind if i remix it in some way and post it on my music channel?"

BBH: "I will only be glad. I listened to all the songs you created. The remixes are so awesome!"

V: "Heheh. Thanks. By the way, today your Lucy, before bath time, called me with her whine. When i turned she stood on the floor on her hind legs and looked at me."

BBH: "Hmm. So she sometimes asks me to take her in my arms."

V: "So i took her right way. And i talked to her and caressed her furry body while she lay on her back in my lap."

BBH: "Aww, this is so cute. You probably didn't record it on your phone because i want to look at it?!"

V: "Unfortunately no. Sorry. And how will i do it when both my hands were busy. Stop though. I've never ever recorded on video while controling my phone with magic. I don't want to risk it just yet. I need to practice."

BBH: "Well. Ok. It seems that i told you everything you need. Of course, we will discuss the results on Wednesday."

V: "And me too. See you on Wednesday."

BBH: "Ok. I will continue to watch your videos now. And maybe i'll take care of the housework later."

V: "Me too. And according to the schedule, i'll be walking your Lucy soon."

BBH: "Yeah. Do not forget."

V: "See ya."

BBH: "You too"

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