Req. N8. Scary movie night (SkeppyHalo X H2oVanoss)

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For Genderfluid000

3rd face Pov

"Girls, today we will have night of scary movies!" - Zak said, holding several boxes of scary movies in his hands.
"Really? All night? But today is not Halloween." - Evan said.
"It's not necessary for this. Sometimes you want to tickle your nerves, Evy-bear." - Jonathan grinned.
"Why scary movies? Why not watch funny comedies? Let's laugh." - said Darryl, in the hope of persuading the guys to change their minds.
"We will watch comedies tomorrow. Today is scary movies. Or are you still against it, girls?" - Zac said.
"I'm against. Evan, are you with me?" - Darryl said.
"Well... I don't even know. Who do I agree with?" - Evan said, scratching the back of his head.
"EVAN! YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN WITH ME!" - Darryl was outrage.
"Ladies ladies, don't fight. Let's toss a coin and decide everything." - said Jonathan, taking out a coin. "Which would you choose, girls?" - he added, tossing a coin.
"Tail is a comedies." - Darryl said.
Jonathan caught the coin, then opened his hand.
"This is an eagle. Scary movies won." - Zak said.
Darryl snorted angrily. Evan patted him on the back.
"Scary movie time. Let's get snacks and get ready to scream. Today we have: "The thing" parts 1 and 2; "Child's play"; and "The Texas chainsaw massacre" all parts. Oh yeah. There will be a lot of blood and screams here." - Zak said happily.
"Oh my goodness." - Darryl muttered softly. "Me and Evan are going to get some blankets, okay?" - he added shouting.

A little later, he and Evan return ed wrapped in blankets.
"Did you decide to cover up, girls? Well, sit down with us. First the watch "The thing 1982". Must be creepy." - Zak said, patting his knee.
Evan and Darryl sat next to their boyfriends.

(Sorry if i make a few skips, it's just that i'm not a fan of scary movies. And i watched "The thing 1982" in clips. But maybe someone watched this movie in its entirety.)

A few minutes from the beginning of the movie.
"Aww, it's a doggy." - said Darryl, seeing on the screen a running husky and a helicopter above him.
"You love every animal you see, Darry." - Zak says.
"Evan is the same." - Jonathan said.
"No i don't." - Evan said.

A few minutes later.

"Eww... What is this?" - Evan said.
"It's disgusting! Why am i watching this?" - Darryl asked.
"Girls, hush." - Jonathan said.

On TV:

"What is this?"

"A human, or... something."

"So that it wasn't, they burned it. And were in a hurry."

A few seconds later.

"Here what we found."

"Jesus Christ."

"Oh my goodness. It's disgusting!" - Darryl said turning away.
"It's really creepy. I'm not wrong." - Skeppy said.

A few more minutes.

People examine what is inside the found subject.

"Everything is okay."

"Everything is okay? Really?" - said Evan, seeing what was happening.
"It seems. But take a look. It seems to have two faces." - Jonathan said.
"WHAT? TWO FACES?" - Darryl shouted, still not looking at the screen.

A few minutes.

"Aww. All dogs in one place together." - said Darryl, seeing the scene the dogs in the cage.
"Something seems to be going on." - Zak said when the dogs barked at the screen.
"They seem to feel something bad." - Jonathan said.
Suddenly, one of the dogs started to become a monster. Her face opened like a flower. Evan and Darryl screamed.
"OH MY GOD! WHAT IT IS?" - Evan screams.
"*screaming* I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT I DON'T TURN AWAY! ONLY NOT A DOGGY! NO!" - Darryl screams.
Tears emerge from the cornres of his eyes. The dog continued to transform, but Evan and Darryl turned away. Darryl started to cry.
"We haven't even seen half of it, and already creepy scenes are shown." - Zak says, looking at the screen.
"Fuck the scenes, Skepp! Let's calm down our girls! They are histerical!" - said Jonathan, abruptly grabning the remote and stopping the viewing.
Zak just now noticed it. He rushed to hug Darryl, whose face was already wet with tears. He hugged him tightly to his chest, stroking his brown hair. Jonathan hugged Evan too, kissing his face.
"Listen, H2O. Maybe scary movies were really a bad idea?" - Zak said.
"Are you asking me, Skepp? It's you who gave this idea, you diamond bastard!" - Jonathan said.
"I know i made a mistake again. I'm still a bitch moron! Okey." - Zak said.
"*sniff* L-language." - Darryl said.
"From now on, we only watch scary movies on Halloween, or no girls." - Jonathan said.

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