Request N 5. Part 2

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For alexis_gamer_girl391

Tyler Pov.

For some reason, Evan stopped talking to us and only cooking for himself. Plus yesterday he disappeared somewhere, but today he returned for lunch time. But the same time we noticed him alone behind the whole work. He didn't even ask us for help anymore. How strange it all is.
Now we see through the window outside how Evan baked something in the kitchen, put it in several boxes and put them in the backpack. To whom did he bake all this? Evan stepped outside in front of us.
"Hey Evan." - i said.
"Hey baby. Where are you going?" - Scott said.
But Evan ignored us and walled past us. He walked towards the forest where we hung out yesterday. We decided to follow him. We kept our distance and hid behind trees so Evan wouldn't see us. We finally got to see Evan meet up with some person in black and a dog. Who is it?

Evan Pov.

"Hey, Vanoss. We met again." - Bad waved.
"Hey sugarcube. I broutht you and the guys something as a token of my love for you." - i said, taking off and unzipping my backpack.
"Aww, you shouldn't have do that. What do you have there?" - Bad said.
I got five boxes of cookies that I baked today.
"Here. This is for you. Plus, you can treat the guys." - i said holding out the boxes.
"*gasp* Aaaww, Vanoss. Thank you. Did you bake the cookies yourself?" - Bad almost cried.
"Yeah. I bake sometimes, just like you. And everyone loves my baked goods." - i said smiling.

Tyler Pov.

Evan gave those same boxes to this person.
"What are they talking about?" - Brian whispers.
"I use my cat hearing, but the gentle breeze muffles their conversation." - Bryce whispers.
Suddenly, Evan and that person hugged for six seconds. Something in my heart sank, and the guys probably too.
"Did you guys see that?" - Brock whispers.
"I really want to know what they're talking about." - Jonathan whispers.
"The only way - is a poll!" - i said heading towards those two.
"Ahem. Excuse me, gentelmens." - i applied.
"I'm sorry mister.. Umm.." - the black person said.
"Wildcat." - Evan said.
"Oh yeah. Mr. Wildcat. Ah, right. It's one of yours... but you know, Vanoss." - the person said.
"Is there anything we can help, Mr. Wildcat?" - Evan asked.
"Umm.. Sure. I mean.." - i muttered. What am i muttering? I slapped my face. "I mean, not. Evan, do you understand everything you're doing right now is shocking us! And i demand to know what happening here?" - i firmly stated.
"What do you think it looks like, Wildcat? Can't i give one of my friends a cookies?" - Evan grinned, putting his arm around the person's shoulder.
"One of your friends? When did you become friends?" - i asked in shock.
"Well, about half a year. You did not know where i disappeared after our fights. So I was in another town where i was literally accepted and respected as a brother, son or just a friend of the family. And i did not tell you because it is better for people who are jealous to the point of madness and nausea not to know about this. That Is to you, Mr. Wildcat!" - Evan said, pointing his finger at me.
"Me and the guys are jealous to the of madness and nausea for you?" - i was shocked by the words.
"Yeah. Exactly! And now excuse me, we'll go home. Where there people who 100 percent understand my broken feelings. Come on, sugarcube." - said Evan, turning his back on me and walking away holding the black person by the shoulder.
These two left with the dog, and i stand frozed, watching them go.
"Well, how are the results, Tyler? Evan really knows this person?" - Brian asked as he walked to me with the others.
"Evan is not only friends with this person. He also goes to the town where this person lives! And everyone in this town has known Evan for half a year! And Evan didn't tell us because we're.. 'jealous to the point of madness and nausea' for him!" - i said agressively.
The boys' eyes bulged.
"My god!" - Scott said.
"How could Evan say that? It doesn't fit in my head!" - Brian get confused.
"Evan accusing us of something?" - Luke asked.
"I don't know. But we don't seem to know what the reason for these accusations is without Evan. Or let's go to the this town where Evan and the person went." - i said.
"But how? After all, we do not know where this town is located. In addition, Evan and that person in black are already far away while we are talking here." - Scott said.
"Yeah. This is true. Ok. We will stay here. Maybe Evan will come back?" - i said looking in the distance.

Evan Pov.

"Thanks for the cookies, Vanoss. Tell us a secret." - Big Q said.
"It's still a family secret. My mother knew the secret and taught." - i said.
"Has it ever been better than in bakeries or shops? It is very good." - said lady Puffy.
"Yeah. You and Bad and Nikky can make sweet treats together. Three bakers in one kitchen - is very something!" - Dream said.
"Aww, come on guys. That's so sweet of your sides." - i was embarrassed.

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