Chapter SixtyNine- I Did Now.

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(An exciting chapter number for an exciting part in the story, love a good coincidence)

I signed off the letter that read:

To whom it may concern,

After much consideration I reject the offer of an arranged marriage and understand as a result I now must decide my own fate and will be expected to support myself. I thank you for the roof and food I was provided but must insist on experiencing my adulthood without submitting myself to plans that conflict my own. I will continue using our surname with pride and will never speak badly of our house, if the family also agrees to turn a blind eye. I wish you all the best and hope this letter offers relief and satisfactory explanation.

Artemis Black

I rummaged under my bed and stuffed the thick notebooks I had accumulated over the years into my stuffed suitcase. I grabbed a large bag and gathered anything else of mine, that wasn't furniture, that I could think of. Panicking about what I may need going ahead.

Narcissa grew impatient with anxiety.

"Kreature wakes up a lot earlier than you'd expect. We need to go NOW."

We quietly left my room after straightening it out and turning off the lights. Closing the door as gently as possible behind us. The floorboards were creaky so we had to make sure we tiptoed synchronised, so that it didn't sound as if multiple people were walking throughout the house. The house was ancient and made lots of odd noises and creaks throughout the night and so if we were careful, the noises we made wouldn't be noticed.

My heavy breathing sounded like it was the loudest thing in the house until we approached our parents room closer, the vibration of my mothers snores dominating.

I attempted to control my breath, though the anxiety and adrenaline that screamed inside my body made it impossible to control. I knew father went for frequent bathroom breaks throughout the night, we could be caught at any moment. We had made it past the bedrooms.

The stairs were our next task. Certain steps obnoxiously louder than others. Now wasn't the time to forget which ones to skip.

It was hard to see them properly in the darkness of the night and a suitcase that i aggressively gripped onto blocking the view of my feet.

Narcissa halted before attempting them, as if she was thinking the same as me. She began counting the steps, I could kind of see her finger moving with each number.

"Don't trip. I'll move a step, then take the case. Then you move a step and take it back. Got it?" She whispered so quietly, I didn't understand how I could hear her. My adrenaline levels almost heightening my senses.

Her plan was to avoid any mistakes with our footwork. She recognised how it would be difficult moving silently with a clunky object obstructing my view. We were going to take it in turns and slowly.

We were going to do this. This was happening.

I couldn't help but bite down on a smile in the darkness. I haven't felt this alive since Hogwarts.

All those years spent caged up in my room, walking on eggshells, keeping my voice low and opinion mild. Being seen and not heard, obeying orders, enduring a backhand when was ending. It was ending now.

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